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变通:叙事与表态 爱其子,择师而教之;于其身也,则耻师焉,惑矣! 原文中的“惑”是表态部分,语言单位很短,位于较长的叙事“爱其子,择师而教之;于其身也,则耻师焉”部分之后;在英语当中,“惑”这种表态部分应该位于长结构的叙事部分之前。 变通:叙事与表态 V1: Loving parents may select teachers to instruct their children. But when it comes to themselves, they feel it a disgrace to be taught by them. V2: A man who loves his son chooses a teacher for him but is ashamed to find one for himself. This is entirely wrong. V3: It is absurd that a person would choose a teacher for his son out of his love for him, and yet refuse to learn from the teacher himself, thinking it a disgrace to do so. V1和V2中,运用了顺译的手法翻译了叙事部分和表态部分,虽然意思也比较清楚,可是句式过于松散,特别是V1,影响到原文叙事与表态在语义上的紧密度。V2表态部分的翻译似乎也与原文有所出入。然而V3和前两者不一样,符合了英语的习惯用法,而且句子之间关系比较紧密,因此更为可取。 变通:重构 句读之不知,惑之不解,或师焉,或不焉,小学而大遗,吾未见其明也。 V1:For lack of reading skills, one seeks the help of teachers, while for unsolved puzzles, one acts contrariwise. It is indeed learning the lesser but giving up the greater. I do not see its wisdom. V2: If we want to learn to read but not to dispel ignorance, we are learning the lesser and giving up the greater, which is hardly intelligent. V3: I don’t think it wise to learn from the teacher when one doesn’t know how to punctuate, but not when one has doubts unresolved, for that I find to be the folly of learning in small matters, but neglecting the big ones. 重构是解决语序及表达层次障碍的最彻底的变通手段,也是保证目的语可读的最佳手段,最便于发挥译文的优势。 变通:重构 句读之不知,惑之不解,或师焉,或不焉,小学而大遗,吾未见其明也。 就原文语段而言,“吾未见其明也”是中心句,因为这句是前面阐述后推出的一个观点。原文意思大致是,不了解句读(指句子的停顿),疑惑没有弄明白,有的(指句读之不知)向老师求解,有的(惑之不解)却不向老师求解,小的方面去学习,大的方面却遗漏了,我并未看见他的明事理啊 ! 变通:重构 V1:For lack of reading skills, one seeks the help of teachers, while for unsolved puzzles, one acts contrariwise. It is indeed learning the lesser but giving up the greater. I do not see its wisdom. V2: If we want to learn to read but not to dispel ignorance, we are learning the lesser and giving up the greater, which is hardly intelligent. V3: I don’t think it wise to learn from the teacher when one doesn’t know how to punctuate, but not when one has d


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