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翻译技巧(2)词类转换法 I. Review and comments on the students’ assignment II. Converting to verbs III. Converting to nouns IV. Converting to other parts of speech V. Summary VI. Assignments VII. References for further reading Teaching Procedures I love children, flowers and touched by an angel. I once even sent cards to my grandmothers for that fake Grandparents Day holiday. That’s not going to happen again. But no matter how much I want to be a normal, manly, over consuming American, I can’t get myself to like dogs. 我喜欢孩子,喜欢花朵,喜欢天使的触摸。 为了那个假惺惺的“祖父母日”的节日, 我还给我的姥姥和奶奶寄过贺卡呢。 我以后再也不干这种事了。 然而,无论我多么想成为一个正常的、充满阳刚之气的、 大手大脚消费的美国人,我怎么也喜欢不起狗来。 Review and comments on the assignment I don’t want to hate dogs. But I just can’t imagine sharing my apartment with some dirty, dependent animal willing to trade unconditional love for canned food that, to be honest, I find a little salty. How can people love something so much that they are willing to walk behind it and retrieve its feces with their own hands every day? I have yet to meet a woman for whom I’d do that. I. Review and comments on the assignments 我并不是想讨厌狗, 可我就是不能想象跟某种脏兮兮的,懒兮兮的动物 同居一室。 这种动物愿意用无条件的爱来换取一点点罐头食品, 这一点,说实话,我觉得有点粗俗。 人怎么能把某个东西喜欢到如此程度, 以致于愿意每天都跟在它屁股后面 用自己的手去捡它拉出来的屎? 我还没遇到过能让我喜欢的为她 捡屎的女人呢。 Dog owners are a mystery to me. I once went on a long series of nonproductive dates with one, and every time we were about to fool around she would have to leave to go home and walk her dog. Hey, wait. I think I just figured out something. I.Review and comments on the assignment 那些狗的主人对我来说是个 百思不得其解的谜。 我曾经跟一个养了条狗的女人进行过一系列的约会, 但多未能取得我预期效果,每一次要跟她亲热, 他总是要走人,说是要回家遛狗去! 我现在搞懂这是咋回事了:原来她不想跟我亲热啊! They send their pets to dog salons and dog psychologists, who prescribe them dog antidepressants. June 25 is the first Take Your Dog to Work Day. June 26 is Why Does This Office Smell Bad? Day. While the homeless go ignored, almost 28.5 million Americans bought their dogs Christmas presents last year. I. Revie