Examination Paper of Physiology 生理学模拟试题及答案英文版.doc

Examination Paper of Physiology 生理学模拟试题及答案英文版.doc

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Examination Paper of Physiology I. Explain the following terms in English ( 25 points, 2.5 points each ). 1. Negative feedback ? 2. Homeostasis ? 3. Resting potential ? 4. Blood coagulation ? 5. Stroke volume ? 6. Oxygen dissociation curve ? 7. Digestion ? 8. Respiratory quotient ? 9. Dark adaptation ? 10. Stretch reflex ? II. Fill in the blanks ( 35 points, 1 point each). 1.??????? The regulation of physiological functions in human body includes ??????????????,______________ and?????????????????? . 2.??????? The blood type is determined by______________________________. 3.??????? A subthreshold stimulus can induce a change of membrane potential which is called _________________________. 4.??????? The functions of the transversal tubule and the longitudinal tubule of muscle are respectively _______????? ______________ and _______??? ___?????? __________. 5.??????? The three basic steps of physiological hemostasis include _______________???? __, ___________________________ and ___________________________. 6.??????? The autorhythmicity of cardiac muscle depends on __________________, ___________________________ and ___________________________. 7.??????? The neural transmitter released by the postganglionic fiber of cardiac sympathetic nerve is _________, which excites the activity of the heart through acting on the _________ receptor. 8.??????? Surfactant is synthesized by ??????????????????and its major function is to ?????????????????????????????????????. 9.??????? The physiological dead space equals to the ______________________ plus ____________________________. 10.??? Digestion and absorption mainly occur in the ?????????????????. 11.??? ?The gastric juice secretion can be stimulated by endocrine substances such as_______________、__________________、???????????? ???and ??????????????????????. 12.??? When the skin temperature is higher than environmental temperature, the major ways of heat loss are ???????????????, ????????????????? and ?????????????????. 13.??? G



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