GB50094-98球形储罐施工及验收规范 National Standard of the Peoples Republic of China(英文版).doc

GB50094-98球形储罐施工及验收规范 National Standard of the Peoples Republic of China(英文版).doc

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UDC GB 中华人民共和国国家标准 National Standard of the People(s Republic of China P GB 50094-98 球形储罐施工及验收规范 Code for Construction and Acceptance of Spherical Tanks Issued on 1998-05-06 Implemented from 1998-12-01 the State Bureau of Technical Supervision Jointly issued by the Ministry of Construction of the People’s Republic of China Contents 1 General厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖3 nstruction of t2 Inspection and Acceptance of Parts and Components厖厖厖厖厖?tion a 2.1 Inspection of Quality Certificate of Parts and Components厖厖厖厖厖4 ion o2.2 Inspection of Tank shell Plates and Test Plate厖厖厖厖厖厖厖? n of Tan2.3 Inspection of Supports厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖8 Supportsll P2.4 Inspection of Assembled Weldments厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖? of Assembl2.5 Inspection of Painting, Package and transportation of Parts and Components厖8 3 tSite Assembling厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖? ainting, Pack3.1 Inspection and Acceptance of Foundation厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖? and Acce3.2 Assembling of Spherical Tank厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖10 Spherical T3.3 Installation of Parts and Components厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖?3 ion of Par4 Welding厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖14n of Par and Co 4.1 General Rules厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖14lesof Par and 4.2 Welding Process Qualification厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖?5ng Process 4.3 Selection of Welding Materials and Their Site Control厖厖厖厖厖厖15electi 4.4 Welding Application厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖?6 Applicationg 4.5 Repair厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖?0plicationg Mater 4.6 Inspection of Size of Spherical Tank Welded厖厖厖厖厖厖厖?2spection 5 Inspection of Welds厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖?3 eldsf Size of5.1 Visual Inspection of Welds厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖?3tion of Weld 5.2 Qualification of Non-Destructive Inspection Personnel厖厖厖厖厖厖23ualifi 5.3 Radiographic Testing and Ultrasonic Testing厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖24iographi 5.4 Magnetic Powder Testing and Dye Penetrant Testing厖厖厖厖厖厖?5agnetic 6 Post Weld Heat Treatment of the Whole厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖?7 eld Heat 6.1 General Rules厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖27Heat reatment 6.2 Heat Treatment Process厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖27atment Proce 6.3 Requirements for Heat Insulation厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖?8 for Heat I 6.4


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