The Duke and Duchess of Windsor 一个国王的爱情故事(英汉对照).doc

The Duke and Duchess of Windsor 一个国王的爱情故事(英汉对照).doc

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简介     你想当国王、想拥有荣华富贵、名闻天下吗?你希望无论走到哪里都成为众人的中心吗?你希望自己每时每刻、每一天都是人们关注的对象吗?   国王永远不会独自一人。每时每刻总有人注视着他——有时是他的保镖,有时是街上成千的民众。他永远不会独自一人;每个人都认识他的面孔。他做事必须检点,因为他的所做所为是无法必威体育官网网址的。   国王今天说了什么,明天全世界的人都会知道。他说话得谨慎;因为总有人在听。   这可不像一般的工作那样,5点钟就可以下班。国王没有假期。国王永远是国王——每时每刻都是国王。   国王永远不会独自一人,但他总是感到孤独。谁会是国王的朋友呢?谁会与他共同分担那份孤独呢?   作者彼德·戴恩蒂从事英语教学多年,目前在伦敦工作。 家族世系图         The Duke and Duchess of Windsor     1894 Edward is born in Richmond, England. 1896 Wallis is born in Baltimore,USA. 1911 Edward becomes Prince of Wales. 1912 Edward enters Oxford University. 1914 The First World War begins.Edward sees fighing on the front line in Belgium. 1916 Wallis marries Winfield Spencer. 1920 Edward begins a five-year journey round the world. He visits 45 countries and travels 240 000 kilometres. 1927 Wallis divorces Winfield Spencer. 1928 Wallis marries Ernest Simpson. 1930 Edward meets Wallis at a weekend house party. 1936 January King George V dies. Edward is now King. June Edward tells his mother that he wants to marry Wallis. December Edward gives the crown to his brother and leaves Eng-land. 1937 Edward and Wallis marry in France. They take the name Duke and Duchess of Windsor.None of the Royal Family come to the wedding.For the next thirty years the Duke and Duchess live out-side England. 1966 Queen Elizabeth Ⅱ meets the Duke and Duchess at a small party in London.Its time to forget the past,she says. 1972 Edward dies in Paris.His body is buried in England at Windsor Castle. 1986 Wallis dies in Paris and is buried next to Edward at Windsor. IN APRIL 1987, THREE HUNDRED PEOPLE CAME TO A SMALL room in Geneva,Switzerland. There were Presidents and Kings, film stars and millionaires. They came from the four corners of the world, east and west,north and south,and they spoke many languages. But they all wanted one thing—to buy some jewellery.It was the jewellery that a man called Edward gave a woman called Wallis. One woman,Mrs Namiki from Japan,paid $105 000 for a gold ring. Why did you pay all that money?a fri


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