语言学课件 Chapter 7 Language Culture and Society.ppt

语言学课件 Chapter 7 Language Culture and Society.ppt

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Chapter Seven Language, Culture, Society 1. Language and Culture 1.1 What is culture? Broadly speaking: It means the total way of life of a people, including the patterns of belief, customs, objects, institutions, techniques, and language. In a narrow sense: It refers to local or specific practice, beliefs or customs. 1.2 The heritage concerning the study of language and culture Malinowski’s study马林诺夫斯基的研究: the word wood on the Trobriand Islands off eastern New Guinea Speech community 言语社区 Firth’s study 弗斯的研究: Context of Situation情景语境 Halliday’s study韩礼德的研究: The study of language from a socially semiotic or interactional perspective What did linguists from the North American side do? The relationship between language and culture The American Indian culture The reconstruction of American Native languages Boas, Sapir, Whorf Field work, first-hand evidence The ethnography of communication 交际民俗学 1.3 The Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis (萨丕尔—沃尔夫假说) Our language helps mould our way of thinking and different languages may probably express our unique ways of understanding the world. Two points in his theory: 1) Language may determine our thinking patterns; 2) similarity between languages is relative, the greater their structural differentiation is, the more diverse their conceptualization of the world will be. Linguistic determinism(语言决定论):语言决定思维 Linguistic relativity (语言相对论):思维相对于语言,思维模式随着语言的不同而不同。 The German ethnologist, Willaim von Humboldt 洪堡特 Eugene Nida 奈达: a linguist and translation theorist As translators, if we want to do a good job in CROSS-CULTURAL COMMUNICATION, we should always be aware of some types of sub-culture. Sapir: 真实世界在很大程度上是建筑在社会集团的语言习惯之上,并且是无意识的,不同社会生活的世界是不同的世界,甚至相对比较简单的感知事实也在很大程度上受到不同社会模式的支配。 Whorf:实际上,思维神秘莫测,而迄今为止我们对此所具有的最大理解是通过研究语言获得的。研究表明,人的思维是受到模式无情的法则控制的,这些模式就是人自己语言种种复杂的系统化,并且是人未感知到的。 人的世界观是由语言控制的。一种语言有一种语言独特的系统,因而思维也是独特的。 1.4 More about the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis The strong version(强式说): Emphasizes the decisive role of language as the sha


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