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其中★高概率考点词▲为重点考点词●●其他考点词 ×为永赔词汇 97.1 41.AS a ______ actor,he can perform,sing,dance and play several kinds of musical instruments. A.flexible 灵活的,柔韧的 n.flexibility(灵活性,柔韧性.考过2次) ★B.versatile 形容人多才多艺的,形容工具用途广泛的 vers 代表随时可以变换的 n. versatility DVD = Diaital Versatile Disc ★C.sophisticated 特定领域成就着著的学识渊博的 女性事故的老练的 naive 女性单纯的 纯真的 naivety n. simple simplicity 单纯 ×D.productive 具有创造力的 produce answer:B 42.There are not many teachers who are strong ________ of traditional methods in English teacheing. A.sponsors 赞助商 ×(阅读会考)B.contributors 捐款人 捐助人 投稿人 contribution 贡献 ★C.advocates V 鼓吹 提倡 n.拥护者提倡者 (希腊神话,辩护士,古罗马的辩护场滔滔不绝的人) ×D.performers 表演者 answer:C 43.We managed to reach the top of the mountain , and half an hour later we began to ______. ★A.ascend ⒈上升,攀登 ⒉轻薄的东西升起(烟雾,声音) ★B.descend 下降下山 ★C.decline 衰退 拒绝 下降 (数字及时间的下降) D.plunge plunge into 忽然坠落或移动 a前缀表示上升 ad前缀也代表上升 由C.得depression 经济萧条 DEPRESSION (大写专有名词) jerk 猝然移动(反映) jerk response 快速反映 jerk response 快速反映部队 ex-sport 极限运动 ex 代表 extreme plunge into in air 扑向空气 maximum 最大限度 M:代表至高无上得荣耀地位 constant:永久的,永恒的 minimum answer:B ★44.Competition,they believe , _______ the national character rather than corrupt A.enforces force 强迫 监督实施强迫执行 B.confirms affirm 确实 确定 C.intensifies 程度的增强 压力的增大 intensive 强化的集中的深入的 D.strengthens (strong strength n)v 增强实力 信念 competition 竞争 n competitive adj rather than 句型前面的动词嘘后面动词的反义词,极端反意句型 corrupt:消弱崩溃 collapse:解体 corruption:腐败 bribery:行贿受贿 airfoeces 空军 intensice reading 精读 intensive training course 强化课程 answer:C 45.The accident ________ him of his sight and the use of his legs. A.excluded include包括 clude=shut (关门)包括包含(关在里面)exclude 排除 排斥 拒绝 exclusive n exclusive interview 独家访问 B.disabled disable:make sb. unable to do sth. 从身心两方面伤害某人 ★C.deprived deprive sb. of sth. 剥夺 抢夺 ×D.gripped 紧紧抓住 the disalbled 残疾人(只有六级用) the disadvantaged 弱势群体(美国表示残疾人) the advantaged 强势群体 accident 交通事故 incident 蓄谋事件 answer:C 46.On weekends my grandma usually ______ a glass of wine. ★A.subscribes to 同意 支付款项 ★submit to(六级)提交上交递交 describe


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