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6 交流电机电枢绕组 The WINDINGS of AC ELECTRICAL MACHINE 的电动势与磁通势 交流电机的工作原理 Basic principles of AC electrical machine 共同点 同步 synchronous 异步 Asynchronous An AC motor is an electric motor that is driven by an alternating current. An AC motor consists of two basic parts: An outside stationary stator having coils supplied with AC current to produce a rotating magnetic field; An inside rotor attached to the output shaft that is given a torque by the rotating field. There are two types of AC motors, depending on the type of rotor used: The synchronous motor, which rotates exactly at the supply frequency or a submultiple(因数) of the supply frequency. The magnetic field on the rotor is either due to current transported with slip rings(滑环) or a permanent magnet. The induction motor, which turns slightly slower than the supply frequency. The magnetic field on the rotor of this motor is created by an induced current. 2 极距和槽距角 极距Pole pitch τ=Q/2p 槽距角Slot pinch angle α=p360 °/ Q 3 极相组:每极每相槽数 The number of phase group’s slots q=Q/(2pm) 6.1 交流电枢绕组的电动势 The INDUCED ELECTROMOTIVE FORCE IN AC WINDINGS 例6-2 如果把相距150度空间电角度的A、X两根导体组成线匝,每根导体电动势为10V,求该线匝的基波电动势。 6.1.5 整距分布线圈组的电动势 The fundamental electromotive force in coils 6.1.5 整距分布线圈组的电动势 6.1.5 整距分布线圈组的电动势 6.2 交流电机电枢绕组 例:三相电机定子总槽数Z=24,极对数p=2,连接成三相单层分布绕组。 6.2 交流电机电枢绕组 6.2 交流电机电枢绕组 6.2 交流电机电枢绕组 6.2.2 三相双层绕组 3-phase double-layer winding 6.2 交流电机电枢绕组 6.2 交流电机电枢绕组 例6-4 一台三相异步电动机,定子采用双层短距分布绕组。已知定子总槽数为36,极对数为3,线圈的第一节距为5槽,每个线圈串联的匝数为20,并联支路数为1,频率为50,基波每极磁通量为0.00398。求: (1)导体基波电动势 (2)线匝基波电动势 (3)线圈基波电动势 (4)极相组基波电动势 (5)相绕组基波电动势 6.2.3 绕组的谐波电动势 6.3 交流电机电枢单相绕组产生的磁通势 The MAGNETOMOTIVE FORCES of AC WINDINGS 交流电机电枢单相绕组产生的磁通势 交流电机电枢单相绕组产生的磁通势 6.3.2 短距线圈(双层分布)的磁通势 The fundamental magnetomotive force in short coils 6.3.2 短距线圈的磁通势 6.3.3 单层分布线圈组产生的磁通势 6.3.5 单相绕组磁通势 6.3.5 单相绕组磁通势 6.4 三相电枢绕组产生的磁通势 The fundamental magnetomotive forces of 3 -phase winding 6.4 三相电枢绕组产生的磁通势 6.4


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