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乔布斯的演讲技巧:教你站在讲台上怎样化腐朽为神奇来源:沪江英语????日期: 2011-10-28 /article/speaking/1569_1.html 导读:乔布斯的逝去,不仅让IT界损失了一代奇才,同时也让我们失去了一个很了不起的presenter,我们都爱他的presentation,是什么原因呢?Camine Gallo为我们分享乔布斯的演讲技巧Camine Gallo 讲解乔布斯演讲技巧的中英文对照演讲稿:   Anyone who is watched the Steve Job’s keynote, will tell you, he is one of the most extraordinary speakers and cooperators in America.   但凡看过Steve Jobs的主题演讲的人都觉得,他是全美最棒的演说家,最了不起的合作伙伴。   -Who does the best job of that in the world?   -这个行当里谁最牛?   Well, most presenter simply convey information, Jobs inspires.   多数演讲者只是简单地传达信息,乔布斯的演讲却能点燃激情。   Im Camine Gallo. And today Ill walk you to several key techniques that Steve Jobs uses to electrify his audience, the relevants you can adopt for your very next presentation.   我是卡迈恩·加洛,今天我将带领你们领略乔布斯的演讲艺术,教您如何在演讲中化腐朽为神奇。 -Welcome to Mac world 2008. We got some great stuffs for you.   -欢迎来到2008苹果大会今天要给大家带来非同凡响的新产品   -Theres clearly something in the air today.   -有没有感受到它们的小宇宙即将爆发?   With those words Jobs open Mac Pro 2008, setting the theme for his presentation and hitting the major announcement of the day by launching the ultra thin Mac book air. Whether its the notebook or the Iphone, Jobs unveils a single headline that set the theme.   乔布斯开场的寥寥几句就揭示了大会主题营造出了Mac book air的发布氛围。不管是发布Mac book还是iPhone 乔布斯只用简单的一句话就点明了主题——   -Today Apple is going to reinvents the phone.   -今天苹果将掀起一场手机革命!   Once you identify a theme, make sure it’s clear and consistent throughout the presentation. Think of a staff meeting as a presentation. So lets say your sales manager introducing a new software tool that helps your team generate track and share sales leads. You might kick off a meeting this way: Good Morning! Thanks for coming. I know youll be really excited about this. Today well make it easier for you to make a quota. Thats the headline: easier to make a quota. Its memorable, and it sets the direction for the rest of the meeting. It gives your audience a reason to listen.   一旦你确立演讲主题,整个演讲就要清晰地围绕这个主题来展开。例如,要在员工大会上推广一款追踪销售数据的软件。你可以这样开场:早上


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