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appear??[?pi?]?come into sight; become visible or noticeable进入视野;出现,显现 It appears to me that...? →disappear/vanish/go away →come out* Paragraph 3 Translation 科幻小说使得这两个相互对立的群体得以相遇并交流思想。顾名思义,科幻小说是预测未来技术以及它给人类社会所带来的影响的文学形式。多年以来,他们的很多构想竟然惊人的准确。在成为事实之前,太空旅行、通讯卫星、核能、机器人、克隆和移动通讯早已经出现在科幻小说中。 Paragraph 4 Yet sometimes the writers have got it wrong. Nobody predicted the emergence of personal computers, for instance. And contact with alien beings from other planets still seems a long way off, despite being a common subject of science fiction. emerge??[im?:d?]?? appear suddenly浮现,显露 e.g. newly emerging areas of science 新兴的科学领域 Several facts started to emerge from my investigation. 我的调查开始见出若干事实 →appear, arise, come out* contact??? [k?nt?kt]???the state or condition of communicating or meeting be in contact with?→be out of contact with? make/have/lose contact with →contract* being?? [bi:??] a real or imaginary living creature or entity, especially an intelligent one e.g. a rational being/alien beings existence e.g. The railway brought many towns into being. 铁路的建成使许多城镇兴起. The single market came into being in 1993. 该单一市场形成于1993年. →creature* common??? [k?m?n]?? 一般的;常见的;通常的,日常的;普遍的 its common for a woman to be depressed after giving birth 妇女分娩后心情沮丧是常见的现象 ordinary普通平凡的;平民的;无特殊级别(或地位) the dwellings of common people平民住宅 a common soldier普通士兵 of common birth 下层社会的出身 公共的;共同的;共为的 the two countries’ common border这两个共和国的公共边界 common market common knowledge众所周知的事* Paragraph 4 Translation 然而,有时候作家(的预言)也会出错。比如说,没有谁预测到个人电脑的出现。尽管外星人早就是科幻小说的经典题材,但同来自其他星球的外星人接触似乎仍然是遥遥无期。 Paragraph 5 Over the years, the time between the prediction of new technology in science fiction and its actual discovery has become shorter. It took 100 years before the moon landings predicted by the French writer Jules Verne actually took place. The idea of robots first emerged in the 1920s. The first robots were built in the 1970s.And in the 1940s, Arthur.C.Clarke predicted that communication satellites wo


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