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单项选择 1. Executives or managers who coach, advise, and encourage employees of lesser rank are called . 有一些管理者和经理,他们对下属知道、建议、鼓励,这些管理者和经理被称为导师。 C. mentors 2. As an appraiser, you should try to do all of the following except . 如果你是一个绩效评估者,你应该做下面的所有事情,除了:改变某个员工,而不改变他的行为。 B. change the person, not the behavior 3. Individuals working internationally need to know as much as possible about all of the following host-country characteristics except . 对于那些跨国工作的员工,他们应该尽可能多地了解东道国的一下特征,除了一点:文化趋势。 D. cultural trends 4. Questions contained in structured job interviews should be based on . 结构化面试中的问题应该来源于:工作分析。 A. job analysis 5. Outplacement services are . 再就业服务被设计用来帮助那些被终止雇佣关系的员工再找到份工作。 B.designed to help terminated employees find a job elsewhere 6. Which of the following is not a core skill that is critical for success abroad? . 要成功地在海外工作,员工需要很多关键核心技能,下面哪一个不属于其中之一:有效的管理技能。 B. effective delegatory skills 7. If your primary objective for a performance appraisal is to give employees developmental feedback, which of the following appraisal methods should you use? . 如果你实施一次绩效评估的主要目的是给与员工开发性的反馈,那么你应该使用哪一种绩效评估方法:基于行为的方法。 C. behavior method 8. Compensation programs that compensate employees for the knowledge they possess are known as . 根据员工掌握的知识向员工发放薪酬的薪酬体系称为“以技能为基础的薪酬体系”。 A. skill-based pay plans 9. To implement a successful program in basic and remedial training, managers should do all of the following except . 为了实施一次对员工的行为和绩效有帮助的培训,管理者们要做下面的事情,除了:实施课堂培训,让员工通过接受授课来学习。 B.use a classroom-oriented approach so employees learn by lectures 10. Which of the following is not true of self-ratings of performance? . 对于员工自我评估,下面那个说法是错误的:“员工自评”没有其他评价来源的偏差。 D. They are free of most biases that other rating sources may have 11. Performance appraisal methods can be broadly classified as either_____, _____, or _____ approaches. 绩效评估方法可以大致分类为:特征法、行为法、结果法。 B. trait, behavioral, results 12.The area from which employers obtain certai


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