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智课网TOEFL备考资料 防止浪费时间的小技巧 摘要: 新托福考试阅读:防止浪费时间的小技巧 浪费时间就是浪费生命,时间就是金钱……这些警句都是在提醒我们珍惜时间的重要性。 If the real work that needs doing is offline, disable the internet for an hour at a time. 如果这件事情不需要上网就可以完成,把网断掉。 Turn email checks into an hourly habit, not an “as the box gets mail” habit. 延长查看电子邮件的周期。 Don’t answer your cell phone when working on something important. Call back later. 如果手头的工作很重要,工作期间不要接电话,回头再打过去就是了。 If you can’t work at work, negotiate finding a new place to get things done. 如果你的工作环境让你不能工作,换个没人打扰的地方。 Television means: “I don’t need this time and it doesn’t matter to me.” (Almost always. Really.) 看电视意味着“这段时间我浪费了也无所谓”。 Budget your entertainment time vs. production time. Never cheat the other. 平衡你的娱乐和工作时间。 Examine every opportunity along the lines of time vs. projects already underway. 时时检查你的时间安排和现在已经进行中的项目。 Try working part of your day in “off-hour” times, to get more done with fewer people around. 以小时为单位划分你的工作时间,用更少的人做更多的事情。 专心的窍门 Write your goals clearly. Post them in eyeball view of where you work most. 清楚的写下你的目标。放在你的眼皮底下。 Spend time with focused people. Meet and befriend those who are where you want to be. 多和专心工作的人在一起。 Consume as much material about your prime focus as you can budget. 尽量把资源用在主要目标上,把时间花在刀刃上。 Analyze your past experiences. Be clear. List your successes. Examine your failures. 回顾总结以往的成功和失败经验??? Stay true to a particular vision of what you want to do. 清楚明白你想要得到的是什么。 Don’t give up too early. 不要太容易放弃。 Envision your success. Write about it. Then read that daily or weekly. 想象一下成功后的样子,写下来,每天读读。 Learn how to “chunk.” Hit each milestone and move to the next. Be methodical. 学会把大事划分为几个阶段,完成一个阶段,再进入下一个。 Develop habits around success and drive.


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