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面试英语口语培训,如何提高英语写作能力 (文/太平洋英语) Thinking about becoming the next Ernest Hemingway? Or Stephen King? It takes a great deal of practice, planning, experience of the world and talent. A good reader is a good writer. Read classics and quality newspapers. Try to contribute to newspapers of your school or community. 想成为下一个厄尼斯特·海明威或史蒂芬·金吗?当然,这需要天赋、计划、大量实践和丰富经验。好读者也能成为好写手。所以,多读经典名著和优质报纸吧。你也可以尝试向校刊或区报投稿。1. Write down ideas for your writing, subtitles, or even topic. (Its best to do all of this unless youre given a topic!) 1. 写出文章思路、标题甚或主题。(除非是命题作文,否则最好列出以上所有要素。)2. Narrow down your list to unimportant facts and details so you have your set planned. 2. 清除不必要的要素和细节,集中于主要目标。3. Write an outline by listing the details for each paragraph. 3. 拟写提纲,列出各段落细节。4. By now you should have basically your whole story planned. If not: make an additional outline, edit your work, add some brainstorm ideas, or make an idea web. 4. 这时你文章的基本框架应该已经出炉。若没有,可再拟提纲、修改既定思路,或增加新灵感,列出思想大纲。5. Youre now ready to start your sloppy copy, otherwise known as your first draft! Begin by writing down an essay-looking model from which to work. 5. 现在还不可仓促组稿——也就是打草稿!先写一个行之有效的论文框架吧。6. Revise your work with another color. 6. 用不同颜色的笔修改文章。7. Edit! Look in the dictionary to check your spelling and look in the thesaurusto vary your word choices and make your written voice more interesting. 7. 仔细修改!查字典看是否拼写错误,或从辞典里选出更贴切的词语,一定要让行文更生动有趣。8. Read your new draft aloud to anyone and accept any feedback. Doing this aloud will just let you know whether it needs some work. If you got ahead of yourself and forgot letters or punctuation, you will immediately realize it. Add any changes in a seventh color. 8. 大声读出新文稿,听听别人的意见。大声读出来会有意外收获。写的时候你或许会漏掉某些词语或标点,读出来时你就能发现这些错误。然后再用不同颜色的笔作修改。9. Do your second draft. Do not skip lines. Write in essay form. 9. 重写文稿。一定要一板一眼以论文格式写出来。10. If you are happy with the essay now, you can turn it in for credit/publishing, after editing for spelling and grammar. If youre not, do steps 4, 5, and 6 again. 10. 拼写和语


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