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基金项目:国家高粱产业技术体系建设专项 (CARS-06-01-03)。 第一作者简介:申晓慧,女,1980年出生,吉林扶余人,助理研究员,,主要从事作物高产研究。通信地址:154007 黑龙江省佳木斯市安庆街269号,Tel:0454-8351082,E-mail:xiaohuishen@126.com。 不同农艺性状的影响 申晓慧1(黑龙江省农业科学院佳木斯分院,黑龙江佳木斯 154007) 摘 要:为了/hm24种种植密度对产量及产量性状的影响。试验结果表明:/hm2时,籽粒产量最大,为8416.67 kg/m2。该密度在高粱生产中形成了良好的群体结构,充分发挥了光能利用效率,高粱群体与个体得到协调生长,使生物产量和籽粒产量都达到了较高水平。 关键词:;;产量 中图分类号:S318 文献标志码:A 论文编号: Effects of on Yield and Agronomic Traits of Short-Stalked Sorghum Suiza 7th Shen Xiaohui (Academy of Agricultural Sciences in Jiamusi of Heilongjiang Province, Jiamusi 154007, Heilongjiang, China) Abstract: In order to determine rational planting density of sorghum Suiza 7th, construct the good population structure, and give full play to the potential yield of sorghum varieties. The purpose of this research was to investigate the effects of plant density on agronomic characters and grain yield under varying plant densities 20000,25000,30000,35000 plants/hm2. The results showed that with the increase of planting density, plant length tended to increase, era length and era diameter tended to decrease, While biomass were high density exceed low density, The effects of planting density on yield traits were mainly 1000- grain weight and single panicle weight, and yield both showed a significant negative correlation, and both have a higher impact coordination on yield. In the Jiamusi growing areas,by increasing planting density could significant increased grain yield, It was 8416.67 kg/m2 that when planting density 35000 plants/hm2, It can construct the good population, optimize light energy utilization efficiency, coordinate population growth and individual growth, which made both biomass and grain yield to achieve higher level. Key words: Sorghum; Plant Density; Yield;Short-stalked 0 引言 高粱产量的形成受各方面条件的影响,诸如品种类型、环境条件、种植模式等等。其中,品种、种植密度、施肥量、栽培环境等均是影响其生长发育及产量的形成关键因素[1-2]。关于高粱种植密度对产量的影响,已有诸多报道。刘丽华[3]等人研究结果表明,种植密度直接影响甜高粱产量,且高粱品种不同、土壤肥力不同,导致种植密度也随之变化。汪由[4]等人研究表明超过一定范围时,随着密度的增加,单穗变小,粒数减少,粒重下降,导致产量下降。即密度太大单体效应对产量的影响大于


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