part2-市场如何运行 ch06-供给、需求和政府政策.ppt

part2-市场如何运行 ch06-供给、需求和政府政策.ppt

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part2-市场如何运行 ch06-供给、需求和政府政策.ppt

内容提要 对一种物品征税是在买者支付的价格和卖者得到的价格之间打入的一个楔子,并使均衡数量降低,无论是向买者征税还是向卖者征税 税收归宿是税负在买者与卖者之间的分担,并不取决于是向买者征税,还是向卖者征税 税收归宿取决于供给与需求的价格弹性 SM, China University of Mining Technology. Copyright?2012 Song Yan This chapter builds on the previous two (supply demand and elasticity). Students who learned those chapters well usually do not have much difficulty with the material in Chapter 6. This chapter can usually be covered in about 90 minutes of class time. I have combined the analysis of price ceilings with the rent control example, and I’ve combined the analysis of price floors with the minimum wage example. (In contrast, the textbook presents a generic analysis of price ceilings, then the rent control example, then a generic analysis of price floors, then the minimum wage). Most students learn new concepts better in the context of a specific example rather than a generic analysis, and combining them in this way saves class time. Here’s an idea you might consider: At the end of the class session just prior to the one in which you begin to cover this chapter, ask students to take out a piece of blank paper, and write down whether they think the minimum wage should be increased, and their reason(s). Tell them not to write their names (you want them to be candid), and have them leave their pieces of paper in a pile as they exit the classroom. Later, divide the papers into two groups based on whether they support or oppose increasing the minimum wage. In this PowerPoint file, immediately after this slide, insert new two slides, titling them “Your reasons for raising the minimum wage” and “Your reasons for not raising the minimum wage.” Summarize on each slide the most common reasons students gave. Begin the class session by showing them the results of this impromptu survey (how many students responded each way, and the most common reasons). Tell those students that support a minimum wage increase that their thinking represents that of many educated non-economists. But t


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