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01 come out 这本书到今年年底就将出版了。 This book will have come out by the end of the year. 02 be responsible for 目前还不清楚谁应当对这个事故负责。 It is not clear yet who should be responsible for this accident. 03 put…into practice 我们希望有更多机会把课堂上学到的东西付诸于实践。 We wish to have more opportunities to put what we have learned in the classroom into practice. 04 introduce… to 他把我介绍给了他的学生,他们大部分都是计算机专业的学生。 He introduced me to his students, most of whom were computer science majors. 05 have access to 没有图书证的人不能借阅图书。 Those who have no library card have no access to the books in the library. 06 There is no point in doing sth. 整天玩电脑游戏没有任何意义。 There is no point in playing computer games all day. 07 play an important role in 各种证书在我们找工作的时候作用还是很大的。 Certificates play an important role in seeking employment. 08 attach great importance to 我们当地政府非常注重保护环境。 Our local government attaches great importance to environmental protection. 09 be busy doing sth 他们正忙于准备期末考试。 They are busy in preparing for the final examinations. 10 It takes sb some time to do sth. 我们花了3个月时间才完成了这个项目。 It took us three months to complete this project. 11 be absorbed in doing sth. 约翰在全神贯注地读书,没有注意到我们进来。 John was absorbed in reading, so he didn’t notice that we entered the room. 12 adapt oneself to sth. 大学新生要学会尽快适应大学生活。 The freshmen should adapt themselves to the life of college as soon as possible. 13 take advantage of 我们要好好利用这次机会,学习先进的技术。 We must take full advantage of this opportunity to learn advanced technology. 14 be admitted to 他们家的三个孩子都被名牌大学录取了。 Three children in their family are admitted to top universities. 15 follow one’s advice 如果你听了我的建议,现在就不会后悔了。 If you had followed my advice, you would not regret now. 16 can’t afford to do sth. 我们绝对不能错过这个机会。 We can’t afford to miss this opportunity. 17 The importance of something cannot be overstated. 在技能培养方面,无论多么强调训练的重要性都不过分。 For the cultivation of skills, the importance of practice cannot be overstated. 18 have a strong influence on sth. 经济对我们生活的影响太大了。 Economy has a strong influence on our life. 19 be


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