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智课网TOEFL备考资料 埃及试图修复和沙特的关系一托福阅读机经背景 Saudi Arabia is reported to be reconsidering the decision to recall its ambassador to Egypt, after leaders in Cairo worked to heal a rift between the Arab neighbors. The Saudis closed their mission in Egypt following anti-Saudi protests there. 据报道,在开罗领导人努力修复和阿拉伯邻国沙特阿拉伯之间的裂痕之后,据报沙特正在重新考虑召回驻埃及大使的决定。沙特在埃及出现反沙特的抗议活动之后,停止了在埃及的大使馆的运作。 Egypts de-facto leader, Field Marshall Mohamed Hussein Tantawi, reached out to officials in Saudi Arabia in an attempt “to contain the situation.” Egyptian state media said he began efforts to heal the rift within hours of the Saudi decision Saturday to bring its ambassador back home. 埃及事实上的领导人、陆军元帅坦塔维和沙特官员进行接触,试图控制局势。埃及国营媒体说,在沙特星期六决定召回大使之后的几个小时之内,坦塔维就开始了修复和沙特关系的努力。 Protesters had besieged the embassy in Cairo and other Saudi missions around Egypt for several days last week, protesting the detention of Egyptian human-rights lawyer Ahmed el-Gezawi. His supporters say he is being held in retaliation for a lawsuit he filed against the Saudi monarchy over the treatment of Egyptian workers in the kingdom. 上周,抗议者包围了沙特驻开罗大使馆以及埃及各地其它一些沙特外交机构好几天,抗议沙特拘押埃及人权律师卡扎维。他的支持者说,他被关押是由于他经手的一件案件所遭到的报复,那个案件是针对沙特境内埃及劳工的境遇而指控沙特王室。 Saudi officials counter that Gezawi was trying to smuggle in vast quantities of a banned anti-anxiety medication. 沙特官员反驳说,卡扎维是由于试图走私大量违禁的抗焦虑药物而被关押。 Mounting tensions The diplomatic rift is the worst in decades between two of the most influential Arab nations, and caught many average Egyptians by surprise. Student Mohamed Sami believes the Saudis overreacted. 此次外交裂痕是这两个最具影响力的阿拉伯国家之间几十年来最大的一次,并且让很多普通埃及人大感惊讶。学生萨米认为,沙特人反应过度。 He says rather than recalling their ambassador, the Saudis could have sent a military attache or other officials out to calm the situation. He says closing the embassy was wrong. 他说,沙特人应当派遣大使馆一位军方官员或者其他官员出面来平静局势,而不是召回大使。他表示,关闭大使馆是错误的。 Tensions between Cairo a


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