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* * Again you ask, what is it? While it was launched and shipped 3 months ago were not talking about version 1 technology Oracle Collaboration Suite is a set of mature applications based on and integrated with the 9i Database and application server and all their options. These applications include: Email, Calendar, Voicemail, Fax, Files, UltraSearch based on Oracle Text formally known as InterMedia which is a federated search engine all with wireless and voice access. Oracle Collaboration Suite offers embedded Oracle database technology to store files, messages and user information, and embedded technology from Oracles application server to provide a Web server, directory services, and single sign-on capabilities. The application and access layer enables you to find and manage all the information you need to makes it easy to collaborate and communicate more effectively. It eases user administration of email, voicemail and fax by providing one integrated message store with one centralized inbox. It provides voice access to your calendar allowing you to review your schedule and receive alerts when new meetings are created or existing meetings changed. Users can find and access all the information they need with a single user id and password. In addition, Oracle allows users to easily search across all enterprise information repositories regardless of where the information is located. And, Oracle Collaboration Suite integrates with familiar desktop clients and interfaces like Microsoft Outlook and Explorer so no end user training is needed. * 3 3 3 3 34 * * * 27 19 19 24 * Oracle Chemicals Customers * 主业:印钞、造币、造钞票纸,及配套材料的生产 兼营:各类发票、有价证券、银行专用票据的印制 专用设备、银行配套机具设计和生产和维修 银行信用卡及数据卡 高纯度金银精炼、金银制品 电厂、水厂 备注:因为造币是特殊行业企业,国家有特殊规定,且Oracle签了必威体育官网网址协议。所以这些备注的业务范围和业务内容(主业和兼营)是内部分析讨论用,可以讨论交流,但不建议做为PPT内容直接show客户。 * 造币公司的1999年选型ERP系统时定下的目标! * 造币公司的1999年选型ERP系统时定下的目标! 通过一期二期的成功实施,和对三期的展望,用户的高层(总经理古总、财务总监刘总、项目总监王总等)明确总结:在已成功实施的企业我们已经看到了优异的成绩,实现了预定的目标,也非常有信心对整个项目在整个集团的成功,并肯定所带来的效益。 *


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