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XXXX大学 毕 业 论 文 二○○八 年 六 月 基于Shape的电子地图显 示系统 专业班级: 姓 名: 指导教师: 信息科学技术学院 内 容 摘 要 地理信息系统GIS(Geographic Information System)是在计算机软件和硬件的支持下,管理和综合分析具有地理空间内涵的各类资料,以提供对规范、管理、研究、预测和决策所需信息的技术系统。它是表达、模拟具有地理空间内涵的现实系统和进行数据通信处理、分析的有力工具。Shape文件是一种基于文件方式存储GIS数据的文件格式。至少由.shp,.dbf,.shx三个文件成,分别存储空间属性和前两者的关系。是GIS中比较通用的一种数据格式电子地图是可任意放大缩小的矢量地图,它是通过GIS和数字制图技术来实现的,依托于互联网等数字媒介的地图。本课题以理论为基础用Visual 6.0作为开发工具通过分析shape文件shape文件。ABSTRACT Geographic Information System is the technology system, which is used to manage and analyze geography information to provide the available information under the support of the computer software and hardware. And it is a realistic system which can imitative the geography space and a powerful tool which can process and analyze data. Shape file is the file format based on GIS data stored as files. It consists of three parts at least: .shp, .dbf, .shx, which are used to store space information, attribute information, and relationship respectively. The electronic map is free to zoom in and out of the vector map, which is achieved by geographical information system (GIS) and digital mapping technology, relying on the Internet and other digital media map. This paper is based on GIS by using Visual C++6.0. According to analyzing the shape file format, the map is displayed; the function is achieved such as roaming and zooming in and out. Key words : Geographic information system, Electronic map,Shape 目 录 第一章 绪论·····························································································································1 1.1 电子地图概述·····································································································


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