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What is a Sauces ? 什么是汁? A sauce is a flavorful liquid , usually thickened and is used to: 汁是味道丰富,粘稠的液状体。 通常用作于: Season, flavor 调味和风味 Improve the presentation of the dish 改进,提高菜肴的盘饰 Mother Sauces 基础原汁-母亲汁 Tomato 西红柿汁 Demi-glace 烧汁 Bechamel 白汁 Milk base Veloute (the white sauce) 奶油白汁 Mirepoix 杂菜 It is a French name for combination of Onion, Carrot and Celery 来源于法国-是洋葱,胡萝卜和芹菜的统称 Bouquet Garni Sachet D’epices汤底菜和香料袋 Bouquet Garni 汤底菜 is made up of fresh herbs and vegetables, tied into a bundle. 将一些蔬菜和香草捆绑成捆 Sachet D’epices 香料袋 contain ingredients as peppercorns, other spices or herbs tied up in cheese cloth bag. 将一些香料捆扎在纱布包里 White sauces 白汁 Fish Sauce 鱼汁 Chicken Sauce 鸡汁 Milk Sauce 牛奶汁 Gravy 肉汁 Jus or dripping of roasted meat/poultry 烤肉或家禽的自然汁 Usually not thicken 通常是较稀 Compound Sauces 混合汁 Derivatives of Mother sauces 母亲汁的派生汁 Elements are added to modify or give dominant taste 加入占主导地位的原料 Emulsified Sauces 乳化汁 These are preparations that bring together elements that do not normally mix. 自然混合在一起 The most recognized hot emulsified sauces are Hollandaise and Bearnaise, egg yolk base 最常用的是以蛋黄为基础的荷兰汁和伯尼汁 Beurre Blanc or White Butter Sauce 白酒黄油汁 Hollandaise 荷兰汁 1. Make a Reduction of white wine, (cider) vinegar, tarragon, peppercorn and sliced shallots. 浓缩调味汁 –白酒,白醋,龙蒿,白胡椒粒和小洋葱丝 2. Add the egg yolks to reduction and whisked over (63?C) simmering water 将蛋黄和浓缩调味汁放在盆里,在水浴 (63?C)上打起. 3. Gradually whisk in the warm Clarified Butter. 渐渐地加入温黄油 4. Season to taste, Lemon juice, Salt/Pepper, LP 用柠檬汁,李派林,盐和胡椒粉调味 5. Keep at a warm place(63?C), not more than 2 hrs. 保存在63?C地区,不超过 2小时 6. Sauce to thick add some water or lemon juice 可以加一些水或柠檬汁调稀 Types of Thickening Agents 浓汁的方法 Roux 熟面酪 1 part butter 黄油 1.5 part flour 面粉 cooked to a sandy Texture 炒至沙状 Beurre Manie生面酪 Equal part of butter and flour kneaded together into a paste 同等的黄油和面粉揉搓在一起 Do’s and Don’ts of Roux 正确使用熟面酪 Do not add Hot Roux to a


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