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剑桥商务英语BEC中级考试模拟题1 Reading Part One Look at these sentences and at the advertisements for courses on the opposite page. Which course does each sentence refer to? For each sentence, mark one letter A,B,C or D on your Answer Sheet. Questions 1-7 1. Apply for this course if you are interested in running courses in offices skills. 2. This course will teach you how to repair computers. 3. Applicants must give reasons for wanting to join this course. 4. This course promises very quick results. 5. You will be shown a range of teaching methods on this course. 6. If you complete this course successfully, you may be given a job. 7. The organizers will cover some of your costs while you are on this course. A Interactive Training Have you ever considered a career in training? Apply now to join one of our Interactive Training courses. All our trainers have had leading roles in Staff Development and they will demonstrate a variety of training techniques from individual and group involvement to using drama. Course participants contribute their experience in the discussions which follow each activity. Guidance in designing a range of courses including Word Processing, Typing, Time Management and Accounting is provided. Contact Ian Draper. PhoneFax 2334 5778 B Cercos High Technology Courses Regardless of previous experience, if you are aged eighteen or over, Cercos professional seven week full-time training programme provides the gateway to employment in the rapidly expanding computer maintenance industry. Learn how to diagnose faults using the latest technological aids and to deal effectively and efficiently with problem machinery and problem customers! Contact John Segarro on 0772 4313for application form and course contents. C Euromoney Trainee Scheme Students interested in creating or selling financial products are invited to apply for six-month training schemes. An expenses allowance is paid monthly to each trainee. At the e



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