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Front of the class 叫我第一名 My name is Bradley Cohen. 我叫布莱德科恩 But when l was a kid, people called me by lots of names. 但我小时候有很多绰号 My brother, Jeff, called me Dr. Bobo. 我弟弟杰夫叫我波波医生 My mom called me honey. 我妈叫我…宝贝 And the kids at school? Well, they called me everything from spaz to freak. 学校的同学呢? 神经病、怪胎,什么都有 I didnt have many friends actually. But I did have a constant companion. 我没什么朋友 但我有个同伴一直陪着我 I can barely remember a time when it wasnt there. 印象中它没有不在我身边的时候 Now sometimes, it wasnt a problem for me. 现在有时候不会对我带来麻烦 Other times, it was. 有时候就会 Drop what? Drop books? 丢掉什么?丢掉书 Stop it. 住手! Are you scared Brad? Whats wrong? 你害怕吗,布莱德?怎么啦? Leave me alone. - 少烦我 - 你长不大啦 Fight! Fight! Fight! 打… What is going on! - 这是干嘛? - 来啊,有种就来打! -Comon. Bring it on! -Stop. 住手!不准再打了! Stop that fighting right now! Stop! Get back to class! - 住手! - 快走… 回去上课! Stop that nonsense. You are in big trouble, mister. 少胡闹,你完蛋了啦 The girl fell in the mud and got dirty. 女孩掉进泥巴里弄脏了 One thing my Constant Companion and I agreed on was that we hated school. 我和我多年的同伴有个共识 那就是我们讨厌上学 I couldnt wait until I got out. 我等不及想毕业了 No more homework, no more books, no more teachers dirty looks. 不用再写作业,不用再看书 不用再看老师的狰狞脸色 My Companion first showed up when I was six 我的同伴是在我6岁时出现的 but it was years before it had a name. 但过了很多年它才有名字 Now the shrinks said I was just hyper; 现在精神科医生说我只是过动 I made funny noises and acted weird to draw attention to myself. 我会发出怪声和做怪动作 来吸引我自己的注意 It was just a phase: Id grow out of it and be normal 这只是一个过渡期 我长大以后就会恢复正常 ...like everybody else. 跟别人一样 Through it all, my constant companion stuck with me. 从小到大,这个同伴一直跟着我 Now, to my friends, Im just regular, ole Brad. 现在我朋友只觉得 布莱德本来就是这样 The guy who likes baseball. And who loves cheesy 80s music. (波波医生) 我喜欢棒球 爱听80年代的老歌 Which they think is much weirder than the noises I make. 他们觉得这比我发出的怪声更怪 Baby Dont Forget My Number. Afternoon, officer. Was I speeding? 警官好,我有超速吗? Twelve miles over the limit. 超过速限12哩 St. Louis, huh? You a tourist? 圣路易?你是观光客? No, I live in Atlanta no


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