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Many of us groan at the first signs of oncoming winter, and look for any excuse we can get to stay snuggled under those covers. 当寒冷的冬季释放出来第一个信息时,我们很多人都对此欢呼声一片,这似乎为我们赖床找到了更好的借口。 But hibernating indoors isnt the only way to stay warm -- there are far healthier (and less isolated) ways to heat up. Check out these eight ways to stay warm this winter, many of which even come with added health benefits. 一直宅着也不是唯一保暖的方法——有更多更加健康(不那么与世隔绝)的方法来升温。下面这八种方法让你这个冬天不再寒冷,有些甚至对健康还有好处。 1. Spend Time Being Social 1. 把时间花在交际上 If youre flipflopping between a night out with friends or a night under the covers, consider this: Spending time socializing could make you feel physically warmer than being alone. A study conducted by the University of Toronto researchers found that social exclusion literally feels cold. So despite the frigid temperatures and the temptation to hibernate, make an effort to spend some time with your buddies. 你是愿意晚上都用来和朋友在一起,还是一晚上躲在被子里呢?考虑下这个建议吧,交际能让你身体感觉更温暖,同时也不会那样孤单。多伦多大学研究表明缺乏交际会感觉更冷。所以别再害怕低温,也别再冬眠,多花点时间和朋友们一起度过吧。 2. Get Nutty 2. 吃点坚果 Foods that are high in healthy fats -- like nuts -- help the body regulate its temperature, which is why people whose diets are deficient in fat often report feeling cold, Self magazine reported. So grab a handful when you feel the chill (just be mindful of portion sizes) and reap the many other benefits of nuts. 富含健康脂肪的食物非坚果莫属!《悦己》杂志曾报道,坚果能帮助身体保持体温,这就是为什么有些人在节食过程中若少吃脂肪类食品会觉得很冷的原因。所以当觉得冷的时候,抓一把坚果吃(只要稍微注意下脂肪含量),你能得到不少由坚果带来的好处。 3. Snuggle Up 3. 蜷缩起来 As if you need more reason to cuddle up! Aside from the extra body heat, cuddling releases that feel-good hormone, oxytocin, that reduces stress and lowers blood pressure. 蜷缩是个好办法!除去增加体内温度之外,还能释放让人感觉舒适的荷尔蒙催产素,这能缓解压力降低血压。 4. Get Moving 4. 动起来 Make an effort to exercise and youll reap benefits beyond mood-boosting endorphins and maintaining a healthy weight. 尽量多运动,你能获得不少好处,比如分泌出让心情舒畅的安多芬,以及保持体重。 Fitting in a sweat session will increase blood circulation throughout your body, which can help you


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