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文 献 综 述 生物质能源的利用和发展 姓 名: 张原源 学 号: 01201307030319 专 业: 化学工艺 授课教师: 王海彦 生物质能源的利用和发展 前言 【关键词】生物能源的开发利用是当前国内外广泛关注的一个重大课题。它不仅关系到各能源消费大国的能源安全问题,而且关系到各国能否胜利实现可持续发展。由于生物质能所具有的可再生性、环保性、资源丰富性和可替代性等优点,生物质能的开发与利用的研究已越来越受到世界研究者的目光,世界各国如巴西、美国、欧盟均都投入了大量的人力物力财力研究生物质能并取得了较大的成绩,为其他国家的发展提供了借鉴经验。我国出台的可再生能源法也极大的促进了我国生物质能源的发展。目前纤维素的开发利用、农作物的秸秆利用、生物柴油的发展与利用、海洋微藻生物质能的开发与利用等方面生物质能的研究已经投入到实际生产当中去,而且随着分子生物学、基因工程原理遗传学原理的广泛应用,人们也已经开发出了用转基因烟草开发生物质能的方法。21世纪是生物的世纪,是科学技术飞速发展的新世纪,可持续发展是当前经济发展的趋势所在.面对化石能源的枯竭和环境的污染,生物能源的开发利用为经济的可持续发展带来了曙光.生物能源作为可再生,污染极小的能源,具有无可比拟的优越性,必将为21世纪的经济发展和环境保护注入强大的推动力The use and development of biomass energy Abstract: The Bio-energy development and utilization is widespread concern at home and abroad as a major issue. It is not only related to the energy consuming countries of energy security, but also to the ability of States to victory in achieving sustainable development. Since biomass is a renewable, environmental protection, resource-rich and irreplaceable advantages of biomass energy development and utilization of more and more attention by researchers in the world, the world such as Brazil, United States , the EU has invested a great deal of human material and financial resources of biomass and has made great achievements in the development of other countries supplied the experiences. At present the development and utilization of cellulose, crop straw utilization, development and utilization of bio-diesel, marine microalgae biomass energy such as biomass energy development and utilization of research has been put into actual production, and along with molecular biology genetic engineering, the extensive application of principles of genetics, it has also been developed with the development of transgenic tobacco biomass method. The 21st century is the century of biology is the rapid development of science and technology, the new century, economic development, sustainable developm


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