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1 comprehensive [k?mprihensiv] a. 1.全部的,所有的,(几乎)无所不包的,详尽的 2.综合性的 名 词:comprehensiveness 副 词:comprehensively 同反义词 同: [n.] comp, comprehensive examination 反: [a.] incomprehensive, noncomprehensive 参考例句 quot;X university is a comprehensive research-oriented university comprising the humanities, sciences, technology, medicine and social sciencesquot; X大学是一所包含人文,理科,技术,医学,社科的综合性研究大学,学科门类齐全拥有 The comprehensive report should be concise in content and succinct in wording and point out the problems or controversial issues. 综合报告内容要扼要,文字要简练,要指出问题或争论之所在。 With respect to price reform, comprehensive supplementary measures will be taken to control the rise of prices and put an end to arbitrary price hikes 在进行物价改革时,必须采取一系列综合配套措施,以控制物价上涨,制止乱涨价 news roundup;round-up report;Comprehensive(or composite)dispatch 综合报道 Those mentioned are also comprehensive sports games in a sense. are there any international individual sports Games? 你提到这些都是综合运动会,还有世界单项运动会?     常用短语 comprehensive examination 综合测验 comprehensive school n. 英(招收学生装不分资质的)综合中学 cultivate [k?ltiveit] v. [T] 1.耕种,耕作 2.栽培(作物等);养殖(鱼等);培育 3.培养;陶冶 4.建立,加强(友谊);结交(朋友等) 时 态:cultivated,cultivating,cultivates 形容词:cultivatable 同反义词 同: [v.] crop, domesticate, educate, work 参考例句 At this school we aim to cultivate the minds of all the children we teach. 在这所学校里,我们旨在陶冶学生的心灵。 John always tries to cultivate people who are useful to him. 约翰经常设法和对他有用的人结交。 A schools job is to cultivate students critical faculties. 学校的任务是培养学生判断事物的思维能力。 The capitalists of our times continued vigorously to cultivate white chauvinism 当代的资本家继续卖力地培养白种沙文主义。 The total volume of water required to irrigate a given area in order to cultivate a specific crop until harvest. 灌溉率用来灌溉指定地区特定农作物从栽培到收获时期内的用水总量 reform [rif?:m] v. 1.[T]改革;改进;改良 2.[I,T](使)改正;改造(行为);(使)悔改 n.[C,U]改革;变革;改良;改善 时 态:reformed,reforming,reforms 名 词:reformer 形容词:reformed 同反义词 同: [v.] reclaim, rectify, see the light, straighten out 参考例句 We should continue to implement the Prairie Fire Plan so as to promo


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