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目 录 一、目前我国中小出口企业所处的环境 2 二、我国中小出口企业存在的问题 3 (一)国家对出口企业政策的不确定性 3 (二)缺乏行业的有效管理,企业之间长期处于恶性竞争 3 (三)常年抱着劳动密集型的产品不放,缺少研发、技术、设备的投入 4 (四)缺乏诚信、不注重企业自身的形象 4 (五)与国外客户相处自信不足,过于迁就 4 三、民币升值对中小型出口企业影响 4 (一)人民币升值并未大范围降低原材料成本 4 1.原材料在国内的中小型出口企业来说 4 2.原材料在国外的中小型出口企业来说 5 (二)利润率普遍偏低 5 (三)大部分中小型出口企业预期人民币汇率将全面走强 6 四、结论与政策建议 6 (一)从企业自身角度出发 6 (二)从政府角度出发 7 1.保持人民币汇率基本稳定 7 2.构架创新平台 7 人民币升值对我国中小出口企业的影响 摘要:国出口总额占GDP的比重超过35%,对经济发展起着重要的推动作用,出口型企业在吸纳剩余劳动力方面有着得天独厚的优势。然而在人民币快速升值及信贷从紧的背景下,这些中小型的出口企业受到利润下降和资金流断裂的双重压力。有关数据显示,将近57%的中小型出口企业税后利润率集中在5%以内,利润率在5%-10%的占28%,10%-15%的则只占9.57%,高于15%的只有5.45%,可见我国中小型出口企业的利润率并不高,尤其是纺织、服装、鞋、帽等劳动密集型制造业,有84.07%的出口企业利润率集中在5%以内。在人民币快速升值的背景下,我国出口企业将面临严峻的生存压力。中小型出口企业该如何面对人民币的快速升值是我们目前迫切需要解决的问题。 关键词:人民币汇率,中小出口企业,产品 Abstract: Total export share of GDP accounted for more than 35% of the economic development plays an important role in promoting export-oriented enterprises to absorb surplus labor force in the unique position to have. However, the rapid appreciation of the RMB and the background of tightening credit, these small and medium-sized export enterprises by the decrease in profits and cash flow of a double stress fracture. The data show that nearly 57% of small and medium-sized export enterprises focus on after-tax profit margins at 5%, a margin of 5% -10% at 28%, 10% -15%, while only 9.57 percent, up from 15 % of only 5.45%, showing small and medium-sized export enterprises of our country is not high profit margins, especially in the textile, clothing, shoes, hats and other labor-intensive manufacturing industry, has 84.07% of export enterprises focus on profit margins below 5%. Express appreciation in the RMB against the backdrop of Chinas export enterprises will face severe pressure to survive. How do small and medium-sized export enterprises face of the rapid appreciation of the yuan are there is an urgent need to solve our problems. Keywords: RMB exchange rate, small and medium-sized export enterprises, products 汇率的变化直接影响一国产品出口的成本价格,很直接的就会影响产品的出口,为什么国家这么关注人民币升值问题就


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