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光身稻基因精细定位之重组体的筛选 摘 要:光身稻是一种古老的分布广泛的重要的陆稻品种。目前关于光身稻的研究主要集中在育种方面,它被认为一种优质的稻种资源受到育种家的喜爱。另外也有少量的关于光身稻的生理生化和显微镜观察等的研究,而分子生物学方面的研究非常少而且进展不快,光身基 ... p摘nbsp; 要:光身稻是一种古老的分布广泛的重要的陆稻品种。目前关于光身稻的研究主要集中在育种方面,它被认为一种优质的稻种资源受到育种家的喜爱。另外也有少量的关于光身稻的生理生化和显微镜观察等的研究,而分子生物学方面的研究非常少而且进展不快,光身基因还没被克隆,也没有对该基因进行深入的研究。本论文是在光身稻初步定位的基础上利用双引物进行分子标记的方法,通过对一万株初步定位的群体进行筛选,找到了119株重组体,为接下来的精细定位提供了材料。br / 关键词:水稻;光身基因;重组体;筛选br / br / The Screening for Recombinant of Glabrous Rice Gene on Fine-mappingbr / Abstract: Glabrous Rice is a kind of old distribution of a wide range of important Upland Rice. At present, about the research of Glabrous Rice mainly focused on breeding, as it is considered one of the highest quality rice resources attracted breeders. Also there are a few researches on its physiological and microscope observation etc, but the study of molecular biology very little and the dissertation is not much. Glabrous Gene hasnt been cloned, and about the research of the gene hasnt in-depth. This project is biased on preliminary positioning of Glabrous Rice, find 119 trees recombinant through the group of ten thousands trees of preliminary positioning screening by molecular marker with double primer, provided material for next fine-mapping. br / 2.1.4nbsp; 主要试剂6br / 2.1.5nbsp; 主要溶液及试剂配方6br / 2.2nbsp; 实验方法6br / nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 2.2.1nbsp; 目的材料的获取6br / nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 2.2.2nbsp; 制备PCR模板DNA7 br / nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 2.2.3nbsp; PCR反应7br / nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 2.2.4nbsp; 聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳8br / nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 2.2.5nbsp; 银染显色9br / 3nbsp; 结果与分析9br / 3.1nbsp; 读取数据9 br / 3.2nbsp; 重组体确认11br / nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 3.2.1nbsp; 微量DNA提取11br / nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 3.2.2nbsp; PCR反应11br / nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 3.2.3nbsp; 聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳12br / nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 3.2.4nbsp; 银染显色12 p class=Cjl219/p br / nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 3.2.5nbsp; 数据分析12br / nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 3.2.6nbsp; 移栽重组体13br / 4nbsp; 讨论13br / 5nbsp; 结论15br / 参考文献16 span class=Cjl219/span br / 致谢18 p class=Cjl219/p /pP/P p农业上市公司资本结构问题及其优化(毕业论文字)br / 摘nbsp; 要:农业类上市公司资本结构是否合理,直接关系到其财务风险的大小和企业价值的高低,并影响了我国整个农


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