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基于struts教学辅助系统的设计与实现 摘 要 本论文主要讨论基于Struts框架的教学辅助系统,该方法可以加快系统开发的速度,增强系统部署的整体可伸缩性,改善系统的应用性能。经过实际的应用,该系统取得了很好的效果。此系统开发工具为MyEclipse,以 SQL Server 2000作为后台数据库,完成对数据的 ... 摘 要BR本论文主要讨论基于Struts框架的教学辅助系统,该方法可以加快系统开发的速度,增强系统部署的整体可伸缩性,改善系统的应用性能。经过实际的应用,该系统取得了很好的效果。此系统开发工具为MyEclipse,以 SQL Server 2000作为后台数据库,完成对数据的存储;使用Struts框架以及Hibernate框架,完成数据输入、修改、存储、查询等操作。(部分地方使用JDBC连接数据库)。此系统可实现包括教师、学生等注册等申请管理,用户管理,课程评价 ,答疑,课程查询与管理等功能。通过本次学习平台的开发和应用,使学生、老师通过计算机的交互作用达到教学目的,这是一种现代化教学手段。网上辅助教学是一种教育观念与教育方式的结合,它的引入,丰富了教育教学手段,向教育现代化迈出了一大步。BR关键字:Struts;MVC;网上辅助教学。( )BRBRAuxiliary teaching system based on Struts FrameworkBRAbstractBRThis thesis discussed what is base on the Struts framework to assist the teaching system, the method can speed up the pace of system development,enhance the deployment of the overall system scalability, improve the application performance of the system. Through our practical application, the system achieved good results. The system development tool is MyEclipse, use SQL Server 2000 as background to complete the data storage;use the Strus framework and the Hibernate framework to complete the entry,modification,storage,search operation of the data.(Some use JDBC to connect to the database. ) The function of this system is very simple, just including the registration of teachers or students; the management of the users; the evaluation, query, and the management of course; the students’FAQs and so on. Learning through this platform development and application so that students and teachers interaction to achieve the purpose of instruction with computer. This is a modern teaching method. Online teaching is a conception of education and education, the combination of the introduction of a rich educational means, to the modernization of education a major step forward. span class=Ruh917/span BRKeyword: Struts; MVC; on-line auxiliary teachingBRBR计算机辅助教学(Copmuter Assisted Instruction)作为一种现代化的教学技术,以越来越受到人民的重视。计算机作为教学媒体,学生可利用一定的输入、输出设备,通过人机“对话”的方式进行学习,这种人机交互作用是计算机媒体所特有的。这些是幻灯、电视等单向电教


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