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基于消费者行为的芙蓉王营销策略探讨 基于消费者行为的芙蓉王营销策略探讨(10000字) 摘 要:随着市场竞争加剧以及产品同质程度严重化,传统的营销显得有些心有余而力不足,只有那些能真正刺激顾客感觉、心灵和大脑,并进一步融为其生活方式的体验才能使顾客内心深处感到强烈的震撼,才能真正俘获 ... p基于消费者行为的芙蓉王营销策略探讨(字)br / 摘nbsp; 要:随着市场竞争加剧以及产品同质程度严重化,传统的营销显得有些心有余而力不足,只有那些能真正刺激顾客感觉、心灵和大脑,并进一步融为其生活方式的体验才能使顾客内心深处感到强烈的震撼,才能真正俘获顾客的心智。企业应在深刻把握消费者的心理基础上,制定相应的营销策略。本文主要从卷烟消费者行为心理位切入点,探讨了芙蓉王营销存在的一些问题并提出相关创新策略。br / 关键词:芙蓉王;nbsp; 消费者行为 ;nbsp; 营销策略br / br / Based on the Consumer Behavior and Strategy to Furongwangbr / Abstract :Pick it up with the market competition : and product quality, extent, with serious traditional marketing little flesh is weak, and only those who can really boost customer, heart and mind, and mingle their life experiences to make customer soul was moved to really gain the mind. the enterprise shall, in the profound grasp of the consumers foundation, the formulation of appropriate marketing strategies. Real life, the consumer buying behavior are all kinds of complicated factors affect the internal factors, such as personal, the psychological factors and factors and external environment. quot;quot; king quot;furong in 1994, the market, took a rapid and sound development. for the international packaging design of packaging gold and 10 chinese cities with great brands, the consumer products, the famous quality cigarettes, 2002 and was given chinas well-known trademarks. Furong king Hongtashan hands from quot;quot; after taking over, and no play out the enormous potential, even brand positioning of the loss. for the above analysis furong king of the marketing strategy accordingly. this article discussed in more efforts to explore furong, the marketing strategy, and a reasonable development of the preliminary study. span class=Rkc441/span br / Keywords : furong king; marketing strategy; customer behaviorbr / P/P p摘nbsp; 要:随着汽车工业的发展和人们对汽车的舒适性、安全性、可靠性要求的提高,空调系统已经成为现代汽车的标准装置。由于电子技术的高度发展和在轿车上的广泛应用,空调系统的结构也越来越复杂,控制部分的电子化程度也越来越高,许多高级进口轿车已经采用微机控制原理。本文绍了汽车空调的基本理论和汽车空调上的各种器件,并对有关注意事项加以指出,空调的几种分类也加以表述,而对标致空调的使用方法和日常


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