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改革开放以来的明史研究 高寿仙 【专题名称】明清史 【专 题 号】K24 【复印期号】2010年04期 【原文出处】《史学月刊》(开封)2010年2期第5~28页 【英文标题】The Studies of the Ming Dynasty in China since the Reform and Opening-up 【作者简介】高寿仙,北京行政学院《新视野》编辑部研究员,北京行政学院《新视野》编辑部,北京 100044 【内容提要】 改革开放以来,明史研究出现了前所未有的大发展大繁荣局面。这首先表现为研究队伍日益扩大,论著数量空前增加。其次是思想解放不断深化、认识水平不断提高,对皇权政治、农民战争等一系列历史问题的评价变得越来越理性和客观。再次是研究方法日益多样,研究领域日益拓展,史学观念、问题意识和研究取向发生了深刻变化。其中社会史的兴起尤其值得关注,不仅开辟了新的研究领域,对传统的政治史、经济史、思想文化研究也产生了深刻的渗透和影响。尽管明史研究形势喜人,成就巨大,但也存在一些不足和缺陷,如选题重复、内容肤浅、对国内外研究状况不够了解等。 Since the reform and opening-up, the studies of the Ming Dynasty has shown great development and prosperity in an unprecedented situation. Firstly, it manifested in the continuous growth of research team, and unprecedented number increase of research results. Secondly, it was shown in the continuous deepening of ideological emancipation, improvement of awareness level, and more and more rational and objective evaluation for a series of historical issues as imperial power politics, peasant war. Thirdly, it was seen in the increasingly diverse of research methods, ever-developing of research field, profound changes of idea of historiography, problem consciousness, and research approach. The rise of social history attracted special attention. It not only opened up a new area of research; moreover, it has produced a deep penetration and impact on traditional political history, economic history, thought and culture studies. Though the situation is gratifying, the achievements are great, there are a number of shortcomings and deficiencies, such as the repeated topics, superficial content, the insufficient knowledge for research status at home and abroad. 【日??? 期】2009-10-20 【关 键 词】改革开放以来/明史研究/史学观念/问题意识/研究取向since the Reform and Opening-up/studies of the Ming Dynasty/idea of historiography/problem consciousness/research approach ????[中图分类号]K092=74 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]0583-0214(2010)02-0005-24 ????1978年以后,在改革开放春风的吹拂下,明史研究不仅很快从“文革”期间的冷寂状态中恢复过来,而且呈现出愈来愈快的发展势头,发表的论著之多,完全可以用汗牛充栋来形容。作为一篇容量有限的回顾性文章,本文无意承担也不可能完成全


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