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《兽医外科学》课程教学大纲 一、课程基本信息 课程urgery 课程 学时:学分:适用对象: 先修课程: 二、课程简介 中文简介: 家畜外科学是研究家畜外科疾病的发生、发展、诊治和预防规律的科学,是动物医学专业的一门重要专业课,也是该专业的五大临床课之一。 家畜外科学内容繁多,既包括损伤、外科感染等一般外科疾病,也包括肿瘤、眼病、牙病、肢蹄病等特殊疾病。 课堂讲授主要介绍其基本理论,包括外科疾病的发生、发展、病理过程、转归规律,诊断和防治依据等等。根据家畜外科学的特点,总论部分“损伤”和“外科感染”两个章节是本门课程基础部分和理论部分的核心,也是学习其它部分和各论的基础,需要重点讲授,并要求学生必须认真掌握。各论部分内容多,系统性差,这就要求对常见病、多发病及有代表性的疾病如腹部疾病、四肢疾病、眼病、牙病等为重点,其它章节选重点疾病讲授,主要要求学生掌握规律。 实验课部分主要通过教师指导与学生动手操作相结合。培养学生依据临床症状、临床检查作出确切的诊断,并进行合理的治疗。除了要求学生在课堂上利用实验动物进行诊疗、处置等练习外科基本功以外,还要通过复制病例以解决学生平时难以见到的疾病,来提高学生在临床实践中解决问题的能力。 本课程以家畜解剖学、动物生物化学、家畜生理学、兽医药理学、兽医临床诊断学、家畜病理学等课程为理论支撑,是这些学科的基础知识在兽医临床上的综合应用。 英文简介: Domestic animals surgery is a specialized course in veterinary medicine, which studies the occurrence, development and treatment of domestic animals surgical disease, it is also one of the five important clinical courses. Domestic animals surgery has various content, not only including damaging, surgical sepsis and other general surgical disease etc., but also special disease such as tumour, eyes disease, tooth disease, limb hoof tooing etc.. The Class Teaching mainly introduces the fundenmental theories of the emergence, development, pathology course, transfering rules ,diagnosing ,Prevention and cure Proofs,etc.. According to the characteristic of domestic animals surgery, the two chapters of damaged and surgery infects are the basic and core parts of the theory. it is also a foundation to study other parts and every theory, it is must be teached especially and mastered conscientiously. Because there are various contents in every theory , at the same time the systematicness is not good, some common disease, frequently-occurring disease and representative disease such as belly disease, four limbs disease, eyes disease, tooth disease etc. should be regarded as the focal point , other chapters shoud be taught based on the key disease, mainly requiring students to grasp the law. The teacher’s guidance and students’ practise are combined together in experim


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