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昆 明 学 院 数理统计论文 论文题目 昆明学院大学生消费分析 摘要 大学生是当代青年中的特殊消费群体,把握大学生消费行为的特点,研究其消费趋势,对指导大学生进行理性消费有着重要的意义。本着对昆明学院大学群体做整体分析的心,针对昆明学院大学生的日常消费进行亲身调查而收集数据。调查了昆明学院大学生每月的衣着消费、学习消费、娱乐消费、通讯消费、日常需品、饮食消费、情感投资、每月总消费等方面,利用软件Eviews6.0根据所得数据(即样本)估计昆明学院大学生消费结构(即总体分布),对昆明学院大学生每月的衣着消费、学习消费、娱乐消费、通讯消费、日常需品、饮食消费、情感投资、每月总消费这几方面进行一系列计算和数据整理并分析。进一步建立模型,参数估计,模型检验,回归分析,得出昆明学院大学生消费总体结构初步结论。 关键词:消费者行为 精神消费 线性回归 回归分析 回归模型 Abstract College students is a special consumer group in contemporary youth, grasp the characteristics of college students consumption behavior, study the trend of consumption, is of great significance to guide the rational consumption of college students.In line with the institute of kunming university group do the overall analysis of the heart, according to the college students daily consumption kunming first-hand investigation and data collection.Investigated kunming institute of college students clothing consumption per month, learning, entertainment, consumption, communication, daily necessities, food consumption, emotional investment, monthly total consumption, etc., using Eviews6.0 software according to the obtained data (samples) estimate the kunming institute of college students consumption structure (that is, the population distribution), the college students in kunming monthly clothing consumption, learning, entertainment, consumption, communication, daily necessities, food consumption, emotional investment, monthly total consumption of this a few aspects of a series of calculation and data sorting and analysis.Further model, parameter estimation, model test, regression analysis, kunming institute of college students consumption overall structure preliminary conclusions. Keywords:consumer behavior mental consumption linear regression regression analysis regression model multiple regression 目录 第一章 绪论 4 第二章 数据收集 5 2.1 数据来源 5 2.2 数据资料 6 第三章 数据初步分析 6 3.1 直方图和统计量 6 3.2 分组统计量 11 第四章 回归分析 13 4.1 问题假设 13 4.2 问题分析 13 4.3 散点统计图 14 4.4 协方差分析 14


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