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module6讲义 BEC.doc

Module 6 Recruitment 讲义 6.1 Recruitment 本小节学习重点 熟悉相关词汇 学会谈论招聘这一话题 掌握被动语态的用法 学会在阅读中抓住主要信息和细节 学会在听力练习中抓住大意 Key words and expressions cell phone 手机 migraine 偏头痛 body-piercing studio 人体穿环工作室(从事人体美容的地方) arrange an interview 安排会面 voicemail 语音信箱 automated message 自动信息 lottery 彩票 win lottery 中奖 car plant汽车制造厂 pay off还清欠债,取得成功 mortgage抵押,按揭 cutback消减,减少 disciplinary procedures 惩戒程序,纪律程序 carry out执行,实行 Reading: employment news 2 (P56) (1) A,C (2) B (3) C (4) A (5) A,B 3 (p56) 参考词语和表达: should not have without proper procedure without pre-warning If i were him...i would not have... early retirement good for one;s health Vocabulary:hiring and firing 4 (P57) Give a job: hire, recruit, employ Take someones job away: dismiss, sack, fire, lay off, make redundant Leave a job: give notice, walk out, resign, take voluntary redundancy 答案解析归纳: 表示录用的 take someone on录用某人, hire雇用, recruit招聘, employ雇用 表示免去某人工作 dismiss解雇, sack解雇, fire解雇, lay off(临时)解雇, make redundant裁员 表示辞去工作的 give notice预先通知(解雇、辞职),walk out罢工, resign辞职, take voluntary redundancy自愿接受裁退 Listening:employment case studies 5 (p57) 提示:本练习与BEC中级听力考试的第二部分类似。该部分试题共10道,要求考生听两组简短发言(每组发言有5段),考生听完两遍之后,从说话者的发言内容中判断说话者的身份、话题、观点、目的等。该题型不仅考查考生对话语大意和具体细节的捕捉能力,还要考查对话语功能的理解和判断。考题中可能会出现混淆的内容和观点,要听完听懂整个话语之后再做出判断。 Speaker 1 :E Speaker 2 :G Speaker 3 :C Speaker 4 :A Speaker 5 :B Speaking: employment issues 考试攻略:口语考试第三部分的最后,考官可能会就某个商务话题问你一些问题。回答时,避免仅仅使用一两个词,说出理由来支撑你的观点。 6 (p57) Possible answers: (1) Many people will respond that it is unethical,however, it is also a cultural issue since people from some countries would take the attitude that if it gets you the job then it is acceptable. It may also be the case that an applicant doesnt have the right qualification but is still able to do the job well. (2) You would expect that all managers should talk to the person in question about an issue and also to anyone involved such as colleagues of the person. (3) Good communication can avoid problems before they get out of contr


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