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1. 做导师,不做老板 Your job isn’t to correct mistakes, find fault, or assess blame. Your job is to achieve productivity goals by coaching your staff to peak performance. 你的工作不是去纠正错误,查明过失,追究责任,你应该通过指导,使你的员工达到巅峰状态,从而实现生产目标。 You can do that best by being more of a coach and less of a boss. 多做导师少做老板,就能达到极致。 A boss talks; a coach listens. A boss tries to fix a problem; a coach keeps problems from happening. A boss gives orders; a coach issues challenges. A boss works on his employees; a coach works with them. A boss passes out blame; a coach takes responsibility. 老板喋喋不休,导师用心聆听;老板亡羊补牢,导师未雨绸缪;老板发号施令,导师提出挑战;老板高高在上,导师平易近人;老板推卸责任,导师勇于担当。 A good coach is positive, enthusiastic, supportive, trusting, respectful, and patient. 优秀的导师积极乐观,热情洋溢,善于支持,信任员工,尊重他人,富有耐心。 That’s not to suggest that you’re supposed to be a buddy and a pal. You’re still in charge; you’re just seeing your charge in a new way. 但这不是说你需要和员工称兄道弟,成为他们的密友;统领大局的人还是你,只不过你需要以新的视角看待你的角色。 To lead them, you must serve them, anticipating their needs. 要领导员工,就必须为其服务,想其所想,供其所需。 Being supportive means a lot more than providing an encouraging word and a pat on the back. As a coach, your job is to get workers what they need to do their jobs well. This includes tools, time, instruction, answers to questions, and protection from outside interference. 给员工支持,不只是说一些鼓励的话,也不只是轻轻拍拍他们的肩膀。身为导师,你得为员工争取到他们做好工作所需的东西,包括提供工具、分配时间、给予指导、答疑解惑、排除干扰。 Do you trust your employees to be conscientious, to tell the truth, and to give a reasonable day’s work for a day’s pay? 你相信自己的员工会兢兢业业,实话实说,每天干的活儿对得起赚得的工资吗? You’d better. You shouldn’t hire them unless you’re willing to trust them. Most people are conscientious and honest; they want to do their jobs well. Tell them what to do, and then get out of the way and let them do it. 你最好如此。正所谓,用人不疑,疑人不用。大多数人都勤勉尽责、诚实可靠,也想把工作做好。因此,你只需要告诉他们该干什么,然后放手让他们尽情发挥。 Respect them. Respect their rights as employees and as human beings. Learn who they are and treat them as individuals. 你一定要尊重他们,尊重他们身为员工和身为人的权利。你应该了解他们的真性情


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