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为困难残疾人送温暖活动倡议书 Proposal of Heart-warming Activities to the Inconvenient Disabled 我国目前有8300多万残疾人,广州市残疾人就有50多万。由此产生残疾人康复·教育·就业·维权·扶贫等一系列大家共同关注的社会问题。 There are currently 83 thousand disabled in China, 5 thousand of them are from the city of Guangzhou, hence a series of social issues of common concern have been generated including rehabilitation, education, employment, right safeguarding and poverty alleviation. 当我们的生活蒸蒸日上充满阳光的时侯,我们不能忘了在广州还有相当一部分残疾人是社会中最困难的弱势群体,为了帮助这些身处在窘迫愁楚不安的残疾人兄弟姐妹,我们倡议通过社会的力量去帮助每一个困难残疾人家庭,定期走访帮扶对象,解决他们最迫切·最困难的问题,帮助他们在生活上扶贫,精神上扶志,智力上扶学,工作上扶业,信息上互通。 When our life is flourishing and filled with sunlight, we still need to remember that a significant portion of the disabled are the most disadvantaged vulnerable group of people in Guangzhou. To help those disabled brothers and sisters being in the self-conscious and uncomfortable situations, we propose to help every poor disabled family through the powers of the society, to pay visit to the target aid on a regular basis, to help them tackle the most pressing and difficult problems, to alleviate poverty in life, encourage them morally, improve them intellectually, support them in their jobs and provide information interactively 让我们行动起来,给予残疾人弱势群体尽可能的支持和帮助,为他们扬起希望之帆,为共同构建和谐社会尽一份力量。 Let us act together to offer support and help to the vulnerable groups of persons with disabilities as much as we can to raise the sails of hope for them and contribute our efforts together to build a harmonious society. 广州市肢残人士联谊会 中山大学外国语学院 Guangzhou Association of Physically Disabled Persons Sun Yat-sen College of Foreign Languages


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