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封面 Front Cover 东能 Toener 中国新地产未来城市运营商 中国矿业全产业链价值整合领导者 Future city operator in China’s new real-estate arena Value integration leader in the Chinese mining industry 湖南东能集团 Hunan Toener Group 2015 扉页 Fly Page 寰宇天下,东能启。在世界的东方,我们深根大地,创变未来! 根系于东,万变归能The Whole world, TOENER starts.?In the east of the world,?we root in the earth,?create and change the future! East as Origin, Energy as Essentials 正文Text Body 开篇寄语 Preface 十年,可磨一剑;十年,也可塑一条企业发展之路。 Ten years may be the time required for sharpening a skill or skill set; it may also be what it takes for an enterprise to carve out its development path and direction. 以勤行事,以信立业。十余年来,东能人秉守信念,与时俱进,奋勇拼搏,以不断超越的挺拔姿态证明着自己努力的方向:为客户、股东和社会创造更多价值和财富,为员工提供一个实现梦想与价值的舞台。 ?Diligence and faith are the cornerstone for any enterprise or cause to prosper. For more than ten years, we at Toener have, with faith and commitment, kept abreast of the times, striven for excellence, and demonstrated the direction of our efforts through self-transcendence; we have created value and wealth for our customers, shareholders, and society, and, at the same time, provide a platform for our employees to realize their dreams and value. 回顾十年之路,从湖南行至四川,我们凭借开拓创新的精神,坚持不懈地修炼内功、积极攀升,积累了坚实的基础,并逐步形成了自身的优势,明确了企业独有的发展脉络。坚持以建设与资源为核心、实业与投资并重为发展思路,通过全体东能人的努力,业务板块覆盖BT投资、房地产开发、矿业投资、国际投资等多个产业。 Looking back at our past ten years, from Hunan to Sichuan, we have made relentless self-improvements and pursued excellence with an entrepreneurial and innovative spirit; we have placed us on a solid basis for further growth, acquired our competitive edge, and grasped a clear understanding of how our enterprise should develop in a unique way. With construction and resources as our business core, we have equally emphasized industrial operations and investments, and through the efforts of all Toener people, our businesses cover BT investments, real-estate development, investments in mining, international investments, etc. 在未来,我们将围绕这一发展模式,秉承开拓创新的精神,继续把各项技术、资源更深更广地应用到造福于民的产业中,创造更有价值的东能事业。 In the f


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