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2. Definition 中间金融机构贷款采购 Procurement in loans to financial intermediaries 贷款给中间金融机构,金融机构再转贷给企业或个人(受益人) 按照银行可接受的当地私营部门通用或商业惯例采购 However大量相近货物可打捆大批量采购的情况下,ICB可能是比较有效和经济的。Large single items, large quantities of like goods can be grouped together for bulk purchasing. * 2. Definition However大量相近货物可打捆大批量采购的情况下,International Competitive Bidding (ICB)可能是比较有效和经济的。Large single items, large quantities of like goods can be grouped together for bulk purchasing. * 2. Definition 建设-经营-转让(BOT)和类似的私营部门参与融资的采购 Procurement under BOT and similar private sector arrangements (1) BOO, BOT, BOOT或相似类型的合同可按照ICB 或LIB程序选定,根据成本和融资量,设施的性能规范,向使用者或购买者收取费用,设施的折旧期限寻求最佳组合 (2) 如果不按上述规定方式进行,就按照ICB 或LIB程序选定。 * 2. Definition 由银行提供担保的贷款项下的采购 Procurement under loans guaranteed by the bank (1) 由贷款人自行采购,经济有效原则 (2)能及时交货和完工 (3)价格不会对项目的经济和财务造成影响 * 2. Definition 社区参与采购 Community participation in procurement 出于对项目持续发展的考虑,或为实现项目某种特定的社会目标,选定项目的内容时有必要: (1) 请当地社区和/或非政府组织参与,或 (2)增加当地的专有技术和材料的使用 (3)使用劳动密集型或其他合适技术 * Invitation for bids (IFB) 3-1 1. Instructions to bidders 2. Conditions of contract including cover sheet 3. Contract form and performance security form 4. Schedule of requirements 5. Technical specifications * 3. Contents of Tender 6. Bid form and bid security form 7. Price schedule 8. Qualification documents * 3. Contents of Tender 3. Contents of Tender Contents of Bids (See App.5 Comparison of contents in different files) It is as same as that of bidding documents. * 4. Conditions of Contract including cover sheet Commercial part is usual a fixed part with the following contents: definitions Technical specifications Source of funds and country of origin Patent rights Packing Shipping mark * 4. Conditions of Contract including cover sheet Shipping advice Technical documentation Payment Inspection Guarantee of quality Late delivery and penalty Claims Late delivery and penalty * 4. Conditions of Contract including cover sheet Force majeure Taxes and duties Performance bond Arbitration Termi


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