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摘 要 本次毕业设计对象是液压升降平台,这套装置主要用于举升重物。它的举升高度为1米,举升重量为1吨,其动作主要是由两个双作用液压缸推动“X”型架,带动上板来实现的。该液压升降平台主要由两个部分组成:机械部分和液压部分,其中机械部分主要由上板架、下板架、内连杆和外连杆四部分组成。本设计设计、选择了机械部分材料与结构,并对其进行受理分析与校核,以便检验是否满足强度、刚度的要求,分析及校核的结果证明机械结构的设计可以满足要求。在对液压控制系统的设计过程中,先进行了总体方案设计。在选择液压的各个控制回路的时候,在对各个回路进行了对比后调速回路我选择了进油口节流调速回路;卸荷回路我选择了带有二位二通电磁换向阀的卸荷回路;保压回路我选择的是用液控单向阀的保压回路。确定了各种基本回路后,又确定了液压系统的传动形式,由于开式系统所具有的系统简单和散热条件好等优点,所以把传动系统确定为开式系统。在拟定液压系统原理图后,对液压元件及辅件进行了设计、选择,并对其进行校核。经过计算后液压缸选定为45毫米的液压缸,液压泵选定为齿轮泵,根据系统工作的最大功率我选择的电动机为Y112M-4行三相异步电动机。在确定泵后,又对其他的元件及辅件进行了合理的选择,最后确定各种元件后,进一步完成了我的设计题目。 关键词: 液压;升降平台;上板架;下板架;内连杆;外连杆 Abstract I graduated from the current design is done mainly hydraulic lifts, mainly divided into two parts: mechanical and hydraulic parts. Mechanical parts which I think the main needs to be considered is the subject of several major part of the intensity: on board planes, under the board planes, within and outside link connecting rod. In this part of my four were on board from top to bottom-line Analysis of the internal and external linkage, I had the strength check. After my analysis and after checking I think I can satisfy the design requirements. Then I entered the various parts of the hydraulic choice. In the choice of the hydraulic control circuit all the time, in the loop on a comparison of the governor after I selected the import speed loop circuit; unloading loop I chose the valve of the unloading circuit; packing circuit I have chosen The use of one-way valve controlling the packing circuit. In determining the needs of the various circuit I, Im sure I wear the hydraulic system of fixed form, according to open-system and the system simple cooling system features good condition, I set my drive system for open - System. On the other hydraulic components accessories choice, I had to them after the calculation of the hydraulic cylinders after I voted 45 mm of hydraulic cylinders, according to the transmission gear pump stability, I take my pump as a gear Pump, according to my system the maxim


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