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学 生:赵科
学 号指导教师:杨欣
专 业:自动化
Graduation Design(Thesis) of Chongqing University
Intelligent buildings Elevator Group Control Research and Optimization
Undergraduate: Zhao Ke
Supervisor: Yang Xin
Major: Automation
School of Automation
Chongqing University
June 2013
摘 要
With the rapid development of society and build technology unceasing enhancement,more and more high buildings and intelligent buildings in the city. But the elevator as one of the most important vertical transportation tools, its increasingly prominent role, also received great attention. In order to cut down waiting time, reduce energy using, we need put many elevators together and control them together in reason, and this optimization dispatch systems to all the elevators name elevator group control systems (EGCS).
This paper first introduces the basic elevator group control system concepts and research status, and explains the structure of elevator group control system design, determine the approximate research directions. Structural design mainly includes two aspects, namely, elevator traffic pattern recognition module and dispatching decision module. Traffic Pattern recognition with fuzzy neural network to achieve, to calculate the proportion of various traffic flows to determine the current mode of transport. On this basis, the establishment of a comprehensive evaluation function, by the fuzzy logic reasoning, and the evaluation function based on expert experience the
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