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重庆大学本科学生毕业设计(论文) 智能楼宇中电梯群的控制研究及优化 学 生:赵科 学 号指导教师:杨欣 专 业:自动化 重庆大学自动化学院 二0一三年六月 Graduation Design(Thesis) of Chongqing University Intelligent buildings Elevator Group Control Research and Optimization Undergraduate: Zhao Ke Supervisor: Yang Xin Major: Automation School of Automation Chongqing University June 2013 摘 要 随着社会的快速发展和建造技术的不断提高,城市中的高层建筑和智能化建筑越来越多。而电梯做为最重要的垂直交通运输工具,其作用愈加突出,也得到了极大的重视。为了缩短人们的候梯时间、乘梯时间,并降低能源消耗,就需要使用电梯群控系统(EGCS)对多台电梯进行统一调度控制。 本文首先简要介绍电梯群控系统的基本概念以及国内外的研究现状,并阐述电梯群控系统的结构设计思想,确定大概的研究方向。结构设计主要包含两个方面,即电梯交通模式识别模块和派梯决策模块。交通模式识别用模糊神经网络实现,经过推理计算,得出各种交通流所占的比例,以确定当前的主要交通模式。在此基础上,建立综合评价函数,通过模糊逻辑推理,并根据专家经验分配评价函数的权值,以函数值最大的电梯去响应呼梯信号,完成派梯决策。在计算过程中,主要用到了Matlab中的神经网络工具箱和模糊控制工具箱,大大简化了计算。在文章的最后,运用Matlab对系统进行仿真,并对结果进行分析,以验证电梯群控系统性能的优越性。 关键词:电梯群控系统,模糊神经网络,交通模式识别,模糊逻辑 ABSTRACT With the rapid development of society and build technology unceasing enhancement,more and more high buildings and intelligent buildings in the city. But the elevator as one of the most important vertical transportation tools, its increasingly prominent role, also received great attention. In order to cut down waiting time, reduce energy using, we need put many elevators together and control them together in reason, and this optimization dispatch systems to all the elevators name elevator group control systems (EGCS). This paper first introduces the basic elevator group control system concepts and research status, and explains the structure of elevator group control system design, determine the approximate research directions. Structural design mainly includes two aspects, namely, elevator traffic pattern recognition module and dispatching decision module. Traffic Pattern recognition with fuzzy neural network to achieve, to calculate the proportion of various traffic flows to determine the current mode of transport. On this basis, the establishment of a comprehensive evaluation function, by the fuzzy logic reasoning, and the evaluation function based on expert experience the


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