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法 律 硕 士 专 业 学 位 论 文 灵活就业人员劳动权益保障研究 Research on the Labor Rights of Flexible employment workers 作 者 姓 名:  赵永巍 指 导 教 师:  张  艳 西 南 政 法 大 学 Southwest University of Political Science and Law 内容摘要 现代社会中,就业与生存息息相关,已经成为人类的基本权益诉求,与此同时,促 进就业就成为了各国政府担负的重大使命。2008 年我国颁行了《就业促进法》,致力于 扩大就业,但是,劳动力市场上供大于求的现象并未得到彻底改变,就业形势依旧严峻。 在这样的背景下,灵活就业以其就业门槛低、包容性大、机动灵活等特点,创造了 大量的就业机会,在吸纳劳动力就业的同时,也满足了用工者灵活性的需要,更有利于 降低失业率,促进社会稳定。然而,灵活就业关系中存在着严重的不平衡,一方万般无 奈只求一份可供生存的工作,一方却千方百计降低用工成本,致使侵害灵活就业人员劳 动权益的现象频发。因此,对灵活就业人员劳动权益保障问题的研究有其必要性和现实 意义。 引言部分,先是论述了灵活就业产生与发展的背景和灵活就业人员劳动权益保障研 究的意义,而后简要指出了文章相关的文献综述与创新点和不足; 第一部分首先从比较的角度提出了灵活就业的概念界定,而后从不同的角度对灵活 就业的类型进行划分,最后从主体分析的视角探讨了灵活就业的特征; 第二部分在界定灵活就业人员劳动权益的基础上,对现实中侵害其劳动权益的现象 进行归纳,并指出其劳动权益保障的制约因素; 第三部分从制约因素出发,提出综合了完善社会管理制度、健全劳动法律机制与提 高灵活就业人员素质的保障思路,尤其是分别从立法、执法、司法三个层次上,突出了 健全劳动法律机制对灵活就业人员劳动权益保障的作用; 关键词:灵活就业;制约因素;保障思路 1 Abstract In modern society, Employment, which is related closely with survive, has become the basic rights of human aspirations, at the same time, promoting employment becomes a major mission shouldered by governments. In the year of 2008, our country has carried out The Act of Promoting Employment which committed to expanding employment, but the oversupply in the labor market has not been completely changed, the employment situation remains grim. In this context, Flexible employment, which is low threshold, large inclusive, flexible, have created a lot of employment opportunities, on the one hand, absorb the labor force, on the other hand meet the flexibility labor needs of employer, and also help to reduce unemployment and promote social stability. However, Serious imbalance exist in the relationship of Flexible employment, one just remand a job to survive available, the other try hard to reduce labor costs, turns out so many infringements on flexible employment labor rights. So it is necessary and significant to protection the labor rights of Flexible employment. In the introductory part, discusses the background of the emergence and developm


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