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摘  要 本论文以运动训练学系统理论,对青少年体能训练方法进行分类与系统分 析。以获得 2013 年 “中国体育彩票杯”山东省排球冠军赛(男子乙组)前四名 运动队在日常训练中实际运用体能训练方法作为研究对象。通过跟踪调查对济南 队、烟台队、淄博队、潍坊队的训练全过程进行摸排。针对指导性训练方法与实 际运用训练方法使用情况比例失衡且进行分析处理。求证目前山东省青少年排球 运动员体能训练现状与存在问题。得出以下结论: 1、山东省青少年排球运动队由于训练性质、训练模式以及训练时间的不同, 造成了运动队实际运用的体能训练方法与指导性体能训练方法的差距。 2、山东省青少年排球运动队由于管理模式的不同、教练梯队配备的不同且 队内没有配备专门负责队员体能训练的教练,造成了主教练对运动员的技术与体 能训练“一手抓”现象且同时不具备制定和运用具有科学化、合理化、系统化体 能训练方案与方法的综合能力。 3、山东省青少年排球运动队是省级专业队与高校(高水平)运动队后备人 才的保障梯队。山东省的青少年排球运动队每次在全国性比赛中成绩显著,但到 了成年以后,在全国性质比赛中成绩总是那么不理想。这是因为由于运动员在青 少年时期,教练们只看重比赛成绩,轻视应根据青少年身体发展特点进行体能训 练,运用“揠苗助长”式体能训练方法发掘运动员青少年时期的体能潜能。 关键词:青少年;排球运动员;体能训练方法 II 万方数据 Abstract This dissertation classifies and analyzes juvenile physical training method systematically,based on the theory of sports training system,researching on the top four sports teams of Boys B Grade, who participate in Sports lottery cup championship in Shandong Province in 2013. Through researching on the whole training process of Jinan, Yantai, Zibo and Weifang team, analyzing the unbalanced usage scale between guiding training method and actual application and the existence of current situation and problems of the juvenile volleyball players physical straining in Shandong Province,we can draw the following conclusions: First, due to the differences of the nature of the training, training mode and training time, the methods of physical training and guidance of physical training used by sports team are different. Second, because of the different management mode, the different equipped coach, and the lack of coaches specialized in charge of the physical training in the team, one hand phenomenon appears that the chief coach managers the technology and the physical training of athletes who does not own the ability to develop and use a scientific, reasonable and systematic physical training scheme and the method at the same time. Third, Youth volleyball teams in Shandong Province are the talents of the provincial professional team and the college sports team (high level


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