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Research on the Brand Management of the Financial Websites in the New Period A Thesis Submitted to Chongqing University in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Master’s Degree of Arts By Wang Mingyue Supervised by Prof. Lv Ping Specialty:Journalism College of Journalism of Chongqing University, Chongqing, China April, 2014 重庆大学硕士学位论文  摘  要  中文摘要 互联网的不断发展和革新,使网络成为人们生活不可或缺的一部分,也成为 人们获取信息最为普遍最为重要的一种渠道。随着我国经济不断繁荣,财经类网 站也不断出现和发展,越来越多的人开始关注财经类网站、财经信息。本人基于 经济学本科的基础和新闻传播学的基础知识作此选题。 在我国,不同类型的财经类网站有很多,每个网站在不同程度上都有着自己 的品牌影响力,长期以来也正是这些品牌影响力吸引了它们的受众群。但是,在 新媒体环境下,微信、微博等多种渠道信息的传播给网站品牌经营不小的冲击力, 财经网站如何随着时势的变化对受众再定位、如何设置财经网站的内容来吸引受 众,建立一个怎么样的品牌愿景来保持和朔造良好的品牌形象,巩固与受众的品 牌情感,都是值得认真研究的问题。为此本文以经济学、传播学、管理学及品牌 学理论为基础,采用传播学的媒介研究方法,以四家权威财经网站的品牌建设情 况为例,对这四家财经网站的品牌建设进行对比分析研究,并提出自己的见解。 论文首先对媒体品牌的提出和发展做简单的概述,将经济学中的“品牌”与 媒体发展结合,针对财经网站品牌建设的特点展开研究,选取新华 08 网、新浪财 经、路透中文网、华尔街中文网四大财经网站为样本,重点从受众再定位、内容 设置和品牌愿景三方面深入分析这四家财经网站现状。本文通过比较研究,总结 财经网站品牌建设出现的问题,对当前财经网站品牌建设提出自己的一些思考, 其中特别对财经网站的品牌愿景有较深入的研究和阐述。 关键词:财经网站,受众再定位,内容设置,品牌愿景 I 重庆大学硕士学位论文  英文摘要 ABSTRACT With the increasing development and innovation of internet, it has already become an indispensable part of people’s life, and the most significant and common way for information acquisition. Aimed with the prosperity of economy, financial websites are emerging and gradually stepping into people’s horizon. The choice of this topic is based on rudimentary knowledge of my bachelor’s year on Economics and the basic knowledge of Journalism and Communication as well. In China, financial websites are varying from one to another with each has its own brand influence which actually attracts its audience. Yet with the spread of new media, many information spreading channels, such as Wechat, Micro-blog, exert a vital impart on the running of websites and the influential power of its brand. As a result, how to retarget its audience of financial websites, how to reset the content to attract those audience, how to establish a promising future for the br



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