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Micro grid Operation of Distributed Generation: Benefits and Challenges E.F.EL-Saadany,H.H.Zeineldin,and M.M.A.Salama Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering,University of Waterloo,ON,N2L 3Gl Canada Abstract—Distributed Generation can potentially increase the distribution system reliability and provide additional technical and economical benefits by allowing intentional islanding or so called micro-grid operation of DGs. The current IEEE Standards do not address this issue but consider it as one of the tasks to be addressed in future revisions. Currently, there is a rich and growing Literature in this area. The paper presents a survey on DG micro-grid operation, focusing on its benefits and changes. Index Terms — Distributed Generation, Intentional Islanding, Micro-grids. 分布式发电的微网运行--优势和挑战 E.F.EL-Saadany,H.H.Zeineldin,and M.M.A.Salama 加拿大沃特卢大学_电气与计算机系 摘要: 分布式发电可有效提高配电系统(网)的可靠性,并提供附加技术和经济效益好的孤岛(或者称其为的分布式发电系统(DGS= Distributed Generation System))微电网运行。目前IEEE标准未提及这个问题,但在它将来的修订版本中会给与陈述,这点毋庸置疑。目前,在这个领域内的相关文献资料颇多、且与日俱增。这些文章探究对微网的运行,重点关注其优势及变更。 关键词 - 分布式发电,孤岛,微网。 Ⅰ.Instruction Distributed generation (GD) generally refers to small scale electric generators that supply electricity to customers that are close to its interconnection point or that are interconnected to the electric distribution system. There are many reasons a customers may choose to install a distributed generator. DG can be used to supply the customer’s entire electricity supply for peak shaving (generating a portion of a customer’s electricity onsite to reduce the amount of electricity purchased during peak price periods). It can also be used as standby (intentional islanding) generator for increased reliability. In some remote places, it is economical to interconnect a DG to supply the customers instead of constructing new distribution lines These small modular generation technologies interconnected to distribution systems can form a new type of power system, the so-called Micro-grid or intention


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