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《新风尚·大学实用英语综合教程2》期末考试翻译Unit 11.按照他所拥有的知识来衡量,他非常富有。 He is quite rich in terms of knowledge he has with himself.2.无论做任何事情都要遵守法律,这是文明社会的基础。 Laws must be complied with no matter what is done, which is the basis of a civilized society.3.童年艰难生活给他的磨练对于他的成功有很大的影响。 The hardship he experienced in his childhood had a great effect on his success.4.发言人拒绝对这件事情给出官方的评论。The spokesperson refused to make an official comment on the affair. 5.这份表格只能由你来签字。The form cannot be signed by anyone other than yourself.6.和平对于一个饱经战火的国家是多么地重要。 How important peace is to a country that has gone through so many wars.Unit 21.任何事情都不能阻止他们去获取胜利。Nothing can hold them back from success.2.他们的研究使人们对生命的奥秘有了新的了解。Their research has thrown some new light on the mystery of life.3.我决定全力以赴找个地方住。I decided to concentrate all my efforts on finding somewhere to live.4.他趁孩子们不在时收拾了他们的房间。She took advantage of children’s absence to clean their rooms.5.随着世界人口的增加,我们面临着对粮食需求的增加。With the growth of the world population, we are faced with the increase in the demand for food.6.人们似乎没有考虑到这一事实,毕业并不意味着教育的结束。People seem to fail to take into account the fact that education does not end with graduation.Unit 41.人们选择乘坐私家车出行,是由于他们并不满足于享受公共交通所提供的服务。 People choose to drive private cars because they are not content to enjoy what public transport offers to them.2. 每当春节来临,中国人纷纷赶往家里,无论离家多远。When Spring Festival comes,Chinese head for their own home no matter how far they are.3.传统的中国文化吸引着全世界的人民,超越了肤色,种族和语言。Traditional Chinese culture appeals to people all over the world without preference for skin color, race or language.4.众多的想法充溢在他的脑海,他一时不知如何决定。A multitude of thoughts filled his mind, and he was at a loss at the time.5.一个决策者必须擅长在复杂的情况中挑选出首要解决的问题。 As a decision maker, one must be good at seeking out the priorities in a complex situation.6.成功的一方面靠机遇,另一方面还要靠不懈的努力。Success, for one thing, depends on opportunities. For another, it depends on continuous effort. Unit 51.我们的信念与行动得到了公众及整个社会的肯定。Our beliefs and actions have been approved by the general public


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