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一审;What’s the next step should we do?;Step1 一审-审图-故事大意;一审;Step2 二列-列出要点;一审; Objective ---- Focus Ss’ attention on detailed information.
;审图; Objective ---- Focus Ss’ attention on detailed information.
;审图;Objective -- Focus Ss’ attention on detailed information.
;审图;Objective -- Focus Ss’ attention on detailed information.
;审图;一审;Step3 三加-替换表达-使用高级结构;Step3 三加-替换表达-使用高级结构;Step3 三加-替换表达-使用高级结构;Step3 三加-替换表达-使用高级结构;一审;Time order: on the first day, next, the next day, towards lunch time, the following day, finally, on the last day…
Plots: (情节)
Seeing that…/ being concerned about/ put our idea into reality/ took action immediately
without hesitation/ to my delight…; Objective ---- Focus on effective linking --- coherence; Objective ---- Summarize the features of a good essay;Period 5 Reflection;;;;;;;;;;柯子莹; The next morning, while we were writing, a crowd of students gathered around, I even heard someone’s whisper saying that she would never waste food.
When the lunch time came, I was on my duty again, feeling extremely happy to see the change. Students waited in line with empty trays.
I felt satisfied with what we had done and hoped that students would be more willing to treasure food from heart.
;李鑫一;Now all of my schoolmates can finish their eating with an empty plate. I was satisfied with them correcting their bad behaviors at once, and at the same time, I am really proud of what I have done.;陈松;Hall on the very next day. People came and went around had all stopped to read our poster. The result was apparent, for the trash can which was used to contain waste was no longer needed, now it was a clean desk shining with virtue of saving.
And for us, it was a great pleasure to help people around us build up good habits.;短语的表达;短语的搭配不当:动宾搭配不当;选词不当;Some suggested making a speech to advocate the harm of wasting.
---Some suggested making a lecture on the harm of wasting food.;;图1;
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