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新世纪大学英语综合教程4 第 PAGE 4 页 共 NUMPAGES 10 页 Unit 1 1这个村子离边境很近,村民们一直担心会受到敌人的攻击。(in fear of) 2这个国家仅用了20年的时间就发展成了一个先进的工业强国。(transform) 3这个公司已经发展成为这个地区主要的化工生产基地之一。(evolve) 4鉴于目前的金融形势,美元进一步贬值 (devalue) 是不可避免的。(inevitable) 5政府号召市民就控制水污染问题献计献策,但响应却不强烈。(response) 6天气没有出现好转的迹象,所以政府号召我们做好防洪的准备。 (show signs of; call upon) 7科学家曾一度认为没有比原子更小的东西了,但现在大多数人都知道原子是由更小的粒子 (particle)构成的。(at one time) 8这些同学对世界杯十分关注,每天至少花两个小时看比赛的现场直播。 (be concerned about; at least) 9因为得不到贷款,无法按时开业,这家百货商店损失惨重。(come by; lose out) 10我们不能到那里散步,因为那里有一个海军基地,禁止游客进入。(off limits) 1. The village is so close to the border that the villagers live in constant fear of attacks from the enemy. 2. In only twenty years the country was transformed into an advanced industrial power. 3. This company has evolved into one of the major chemical manufacturing bases in this region. 4. Given the current financial situation, it is inevitable that the US dollar will be further devalued. 5. The governments call for suggestions about the control of water pollution produced very little response from the citizens. 6. The weather showed no signs of getting better so the government called upon us to get prepared for floods. 7. At one time scientists thought that there was nothing smaller than an atom but now most people know that an atom consists of even smaller particles. 8. The students were all very much concerned about the World Cup, spending at least two hours every day watching the live matches on TV. 9. The department store lost out because loans were very hard to come by and it could not start business on time. 10. We cant go there for a walk because there is a navy base there, which is off limits to tourists. Unit 2 1他的确懂得很多理论,但是,一碰到实际工作就显得非常无知。 (when it comes to) 2必威体育精装版调查表明,大多数市民支持政府再建一个新图书馆的计划。(survey) 3这两个国家之所以能够成功地达成科学技术合作协定是因为有利于他们进行合作的好几种因素一直在发挥作用。(at work) 4我在上小学时就看过那部电影,可就是一时想不起它的名字来。(come to mind) 5尽管他每天平均工作12个小时,他仍然陷于重重债务之中。(on average; be stuck with) 6有必要知道他的身高吗?在我看来,这与他能否成为一个好的律师没有关系。(not relevant to) 7橱柜被安装到墙


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