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V型: 类似III型但软组织损伤程度更重,肩锁韧带、喙锁韧带、三角肌斜方肌附着点均被撕脱。与对侧放射学表现相比,喙锁间隙增加100%以上。 VI型: 锁骨向下脱位至肩峰下或喙突下。此类损伤常常是严重创伤结果,还往往伴有多发伤。 Schwarz N, Kuderna H. Infrior acromioclavicular separation: report of an unusual case. Clin orthop 1988;234:28-30 合并损伤 肩胸分离 骨折 Wurtz LD, Lyons FA, Rockwood CA Tr. Fracture of the middle third of the clavicle and dislocation of the acromioclavicular jiont. A report of four cases. J Bone Joint Surg (Am) 1992;74:133-137 臂丛神经功能异常 Meislin RJ, Zuckerman JD, Nainzadeh N. Type III acromioclavicular Jiont separation associated with late brachial plexus neurapraxia. J Orthop Trauma 1992;6:370-372 讨 论 喙锁骨化 Urist MR. Complete dislocation of the acromioclavicular Jiont:the nature of the traumatic lesion and effective methods of treatment with an analysis of 41 cases. J Bone Joint Surg 1946;28:813-83 锁骨远端骨溶解 Madsen B. Osteolysis of the acromial end of the clavicle following trauma. Br J Raiol 1963;36:822 应用解剖 肩锁韧带: 肩锁关节被一层细薄的关节囊包绕,在其上下前后分别由肩锁关节上下前后韧带加强。其中肩锁关节上韧带最强韧。 Renfree KJ, Riley MK, Wheeler D, et al. Ligamentous anatomy of the distal clavicle. J Shoulder Elbow Surg 2003;12(4) :355-359 喙锁韧带: 锥状韧带:长0.7-2.5cm,宽0.4-0.95cm;位于斜方韧带内侧,呈锥形,其尖端附着于喙突基底部后内侧面,基底部位于锁骨锥状结节。 Salter EG, Nasca RJ, Shelley BS, Anatomical observations on the acromioclavicular joint and supporting ligaments. Am J Sports Med 1987;15:199-206 斜方韧带: 长0.8-2.5cm,宽0.8-2.5cm,起于喙突与锥状韧带着点的前外侧,止于锁骨下面的粗线。 韧带稳定性: Urist及Fukuda等试验得出:①肩锁韧带控制水平方向稳定性;②喙锁韧带控制垂直方向稳定性。 Klimkiewicz JJ, Williams GR, Sher JS, et al. The acromioclavicular capsule as a restraint to posterior translation of the clavicle: a biomechanical analysis. J Shoulder Elbow Surg 1999;8:119-124 功能: 喙锁韧带能协助耦合两关节运动,即盂肱关节的外展、屈曲和肩胛骨在胸壁上的旋转。 Rockwood CA, Williams GR, Young CD. Injures to the acromioclavicular joint.In: Rockwood CA.Green DP,Bucholz RW, Heckman JD,eds. Fractures in adults, vol 2, 4th ed,Philadelphia: Lippincott-Raven,1996:1341-1414 运动: Rockwood证实:随着肩部上