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5 job-hunting donts 浪费时间的5种求职误区 Time is money -- whether youve got a job or not. While it may be tempting to chase down every possibility when youre searching for work, dont. Many can lead you down a blind alley -- where you may lose the contents of your wallet. 时间就是金钱,不管你找到工作与否。虽说在找工作的过程中要抓住每一个机会听起来很诱人,但是不要这样做。很多机会可能会让你进入一个损失钱财的死胡同。 A focused search using tried and true methods, especially networking, will lead to your next job, not tactics that smack of desperation. 在找工作的时候,不是靠那些无用的战术理论,而是有重点(特别是在人际网络方面)地使用正确的、可靠的方法才能找到下一份工作。 Avoid these five job-hunting donts that will yield the poorest of results, according to leading workplace advisor Liz Ryan. 根据职场顾问的领尖人物Liz Ryan的建议,要警惕以下5个求职者不能做的事情,来避免最差的求职结果。 1. Spray and pray. 广撒网,然后祈祷 Dont blindly send your resume unsolicited, electronically or otherwise, to any company without first making verbal contact. Says Ryan, founder of AskLizR, Tossing out un-customized cover letters and undifferentiated resumes in huge volumes and crossing your fingers is a job-search non-starter. That doesnt work, and it hasnt worked in 10 years, or more. Establish a connection before sending a customized cover letter and, adds Ryan, You can even customize your resume if a job opening calls for it. 不要在未和公司有任何联系之前,就盲目主动地发送你的简历过去。AskLizR网站的创始人Ryan说:“大批量地在网上或在人才市场投递没有规划的求职信和千遍一律的简历是求职中毫无意义的事。这样做起不到作用,在过去10年或更久的时间内都没有起过作用。”在发送一封特制的求职信之前要和公司建立一定联系。Ryan还说:“如果工作职位需要的话,你甚至需要定制你的简历。” 2. Stand in line for a job fair. 排队等待参加招聘会 Admits Ryan, Sad to say, but most job fairs are a waste of time. Avoid the huge cattle call-type job fairs where zillions of employers have booths, yet no one is taking resumes. There are some job fairs that have value. Ryan, a former human resources executive, points to company-specific open hours and college placement job fairs. Tap your network to learn if anyone can recommend worthwhile fairs. Ask around before you head off to a job fair or risk having your time wasted and your ego dashed. “很不幸的是,大部分的招聘会都只是浪费时间。不要去参加那种虽然有着庞大的雇主


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