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实用大学英语 Book 2 Unit Two Section A Listening and Speaking ◆ 掌握Diet and Health的相关表达 Section B Reading ◆ 阅读两篇有关Business and Trade的文章 ◆ 阅读一篇有关Telephone Message的应用文 Section C Trying Your Hand ◆ 了解副词的用法 ◆ 学习Sign的写法 ① steak 牛排 ② roast beef 烤牛肉 ③ French fries 炸薯条 ④ dessert 餐后甜点 ⑤ peach 桃子 ⑥ whisky 威士忌酒 ⑦ Can I pay by check or credit card? 我可以用支票或者信用卡付账吗? ⑧ Sorry, we only take cash. 抱歉,我们只收现金。 ⑨ jam 拥挤,挤满 Dialogue 1 Ⅰ. Listen to the dialogue and decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F). Ⅱ. Listen to the dialogue again and fill in the blanks with the information you’ve heard. Ⅲ Role Play Dialogue 2 Ⅰ. Listen to the dialogue and complete the following statements with the information you’ve heard. Ⅱ. Listen to the dialogue again and answer the following questions. Passage 1 Now you’ll hear a passage. Listen to it and complete the following sentences according to the information you’ve heard with the words and phrases provided in the box. Then listen to it again and check your answers. Passage 2 Ⅰ. Now you’ll hear a passage, which is followed by four questions. Listen to it and choose the best answer to each of the following questions. Then listen to it again and check your answers. Ⅱ. Discuss with your partners about what your favorite sports are. 自助餐礼仪 排队取菜 吃自助餐(buffet dinner)时,就餐者(diner)需要自己照顾自己,但这并不意味着可以过于随便(casual),必须自觉地遵守公共秩序。轮到自己取菜时,应用公用的餐具(dishware)将食物装入自己的食盘,然后迅速离开。 循序取菜 在自助餐上,取菜的先后顺序应当是:冷菜(cool dish)、汤(soup)、热菜、点心、甜品(dessert)和水果。因此在取菜前,最好先在全场转上一圈,了解一下情况,然后再去取菜。 多次取菜 在自助餐上应遵守(observe)一次少取原则,同时还必须遵守多次取菜的原则。 量力而行 在根据个人的口味(taste)选取食物时,必须量力而行。切勿取得太多,导致食物浪费。 Pre-class Work: Two-minute Presentation read the text by yourself before class → try to answer the questions below with the given expressions → organize your ideas into a short passage → give a two-minute presentation in class ★ Questions: 1. Do you like to go shopping?


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