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The title suggests the theme: vanity fair. The treasures of vanity fair, that is money and position, are desirable but transient(短暂的). Thackeray’s idea, then, is that although one may live in vanity fair, one need not be a slave to its values, which eventually turn into emptiness(空虚、无知). Theme: The Characteristics of Vanity Fair (1) Vanity Fair has a sub-title, A Novel Without a Hero, which intends to portray the bourgeois and aristocratic society as a whole. The Characteristics of Vanity Fair (2) Vanity Fair is work of social criticism, and is noted for the author’s realistic depiction, the ironic and sarcastic tone and constant comment and criticism. (3) In Vanity Fair, Thackeray gives block characters(人物群体 ). The Characteristics of Vanity Fair (4) Thackeray uses symbolism in Vanity Fair. (5) Thackeray employs an omniscient (无所不知的) narrator to tell the story. The character of Becky Sharp is based in part o n Thackeray’s maternal grandmother Harriet Becher. She abandoned her husband and children when she eloped with Captain Charles Christie.。In 1806 shortly after the death of Christie and her husband she married Ewdard Butler,another army officer。Thackeray lived with his grandmother in Paris in the 1830s and again in the 1840s. Archetype(原型) Crawley’s on nothing per annum then ,and during a course of two or three years in Paris. Sharp took a very smart and leading position in the society of that capital,and was welcomed ,most distinguished houses of the restored French nobility and the English men of fashion in Paris countered her. Rowdon addicted to gambling just for life he sell out his Guards,and go on half –play. Easy and pleasant as their life is ,it was after all only an idle life. Rowdon’s aunt died ,having heard the news ,Rowdon left waiting for his reclaiming for London and ,his wife and son just stayed at Paris How to Live Well on Nothing a year 简介 克劳利夫妇两手空空在巴黎住了两三年。夏普热衷于出入于上流社会当中,时髦,出风头,罗登则喜于各种赌博活动,罗登也把自己的军官职位出卖,只支半薪。夫妇两在巴黎生活舒服有趣但终究不过偷安嬉耍。



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